Comparison and arrangement of greenhouses and greenhouses

Greenhouses and greenhousesOne and all gardeners agree with the statement that the greenhouse is an integral part of agricultural work. This small-sized structure is designed to provide cultivated plants with high-quality protection from adverse weather conditions and atmospheric influences.

Greenhouses rightfully belong to buildings of cultivating purpose. Most of them have a light-transparent type of modular roofing and side rails.

Greenhouses can be:

  • warm;
  • half-hungry;
  • cold.

Regardless of the category, these facilities are necessarily immersed in the soil. Their main advantage is the ability to install cheap construction, which in its effectiveness will not yield to more complex and costly options.

Most often the greenhouse is found on the household or suburban areas in the form of a box, glazed or covered transparent construction film. Even on a small piece of land you can make a full-fledged greenhouse, since the required area for its construction is calculated from 50 m2.

Thus, the greenhouse is a special structure of protected ground and is intended for growing seedlings, such as flowers, cucumbers, cabbage, tomatoes, peppers, radishes etc. With its help, any seedlings can be protected from frost, sudden rain, strong gusts of wind, hail.


  • 1 Greenhouse device
  • 2 Greenhouses: types and features
  • 3 Hotbed: the pros and cons
  • 4 How to make a greenhouse by their руками
  • 5 Conclusion

Greenhouse device

Greenhouse deviceModern greenhouses are rarely small in size. As a rule, they are quite spacious and are constructed in the shortest possible time (within a couple of hours) using the method of prefabricated frame buildings. A prerequisite for the greenhouse is transparent roof surface. For these purposes, glass or polycarbonate is used. As for the construction film that has been popular in the past decades, it is gradually being pushed aside by more durable building materials.

Dimensions and the construction features of each greenhouse can be strictly individual. A variety of options allows you to make just such a building that can provide its owner the maximum convenience and benefit. You can build it from a wide range of building materials, which allows each owner to rely in the choice not only on their own needs, but also on their capabilities.

In the device of the greenhouse there are several time-tested rules, taking into account that you can save yourself from many troubles and from additional construction work later. Such subtleties include the installation of the side walls in a strictly upright position. It is believed that the once fashionable oblique structures of the walls of greenhouses and greenhouses do not allow growing tall crops.

The north side of the greenhouse does not have to be made transparent. If we talk about the central and northern regions of Russia, then it would be quite reasonable north side insulation the buildings. Outside this part is better to paste over with aluminum foil or paint it in white gloss. Such manipulations will provide the greenhouse with a uniform distribution of heat, regardless of what happens behind its walls. At the same time, it should be noted that the lighting with this approach will not suffer.

Most experienced farmers agree that a comfortable greenhouse is a building. trapezoidal shape, with vertical walls, with a solid rear wall and a sloping flat roof. Such a construction makes it possible to use flat building materials, for example glass, as glazing materials. This greenhouse has a high reliability, easily and simply divided into the required number of sections using partitions. Its rigid frame provides the building with high strength and durability.

Greenhouses: types and features

Types of greenhousesBy types of greenhouses are divided into:

  • baseless;
  • soil.

It is based on the choice of the method of growing plants and choose the type of greenhouse design. Groundless cultivation, which has gained popularity in recent years, is in turn divided into aeroponic and hydroponic ways They are promising for the production of industrial type, while most amateur gardeners still prefer the usual soil.

By their design features, greenhouses can be even more diverse than greenhouses. Only the roofs are presented in a huge range: from the gable - to the dome or arch structure.

At the place of installation such a structure may be called separately standing or near-wall. It all depends on the area of ​​the settled territory.

Hotbed: the pros and cons

Greenhouse FeaturesGreenhouses have a huge amount of positive qualities. Their presence helps to grow plants, vegetables, flowers. Thanks to the greenhouse, many hostesses already at the very beginning of summer can decorate the daily diet of their family with various fruits of the earth. However, like any other structure, these buildings have both positive and negative sides.

In order to minimize the disadvantages of our own greenhouse, it is necessary to provide its bearing parts with truly reliable supports. And if the device of the greenhouse is often equipped with automatic watering and heating, then only mandatory and regular airing is provided for greenhouses. Organization such ventilation systems necessary for each design, both thorough and temporary. After all, the lack of fresh air makes the greenhouse microclimate a beneficial environment for the development of pathogenic bacteria, rot and mold.

In the classic version, greenhouses are inferior in size to greenhouses. Direct use of a greenhouse is the cultivation of seedlings, which are subsequently transplanted into open ground.

The positive qualities of a greenhouse include:

  • cheapness;
  • opportunity self-installation and with the use of improvised means;
  • lack of need for large areas of land for the construction of structures of this type.

The negative sides of a greenhouse are as follows:

  • it is difficult to prune plants;
  • its ventilation is realized by partial or full opening of the coating, which leads to drops and sharp temperature fluctuations air;
  • due to the fact that some leaves shade others, those that get less light, begin to die.

How to make a greenhouse by their руками

How to make a greenhouseMake a greenhouse by their hands can anyone. If, for example, the construction of a stationary greenhouse is a matter more complex, but, nevertheless, it is quite possible for independent work, then the construction of a greenhouse, especially, is available to everyone. Often a greenhouse is a miniature greenhouse. The easiest kind of greenhouse is collapsible film coated construction. Such a small-sized structure is very easy to transfer from one place to another, which simplifies its installation.

the main thing purpose greenhouse - is the protection of tender shoots and plants from the weather and frost. If a stationary device is planned to be installed, it is necessary to take into account that its north side should be 15 cm higher than the south side. The base can be constructed from stone, concrete blocks or brick, or from wood. Frames should be installed in such a way that during rain drops and condensation flow only on the coating material and in no case touch plants.

Greenhouse height calculated from taking into account the height of plants that are planned to grow in it. It is necessary to calculate the height so that the leaves of the plants do not touch the frames themselves.

All wooden parts of the greenhouse after the installation of the "skeleton" must be treated with special antiseptics. This is prevented development of mold and fungi. It is strictly not allowed to accumulate inside the greenhouse garbage, wilted leaves. Ventilate the room regularly, wash the glass frequently, and change the film periodically.

A simple way to heat such a building is to use biofuel: a thick layer of fresh horse manure (mixed with bedding) is placed at the very base of the greenhouse. Fertile soil is poured over such a layer.

Today's abundance of building materials does not require the construction of a massive greenhouse foundations. The best option to cover the roof is polycarbonate, which is resistant to frost and sunlight and has affordable prices.


So, you can make a greenhouse yourself. If there is no desire to construct a stationary building, it is enough to make a skeleton from scrap materials and stretch a film on it. If desired, you can order ready-made designs in firms specializing in this direction. According to the drawings provided by the manufacturer of prefabricated greenhouses, you can independently assemble a modern and attractive greenhouse in your own area, in just 2–3 hours of work.