In Moscow, in spite of everything, platforms that are important for lovers of art and design appear and continue to develop. Energetic ladies are ready to spend their strength, knowledge and precious time to make it interesting to buy paintings and non-circulation collectible items in the city. They have different specializations, but all five are resolute, enterprising, passionate about their themes and masters, everyone is ready to resist entropy, and everyone is looking for a way to establish a dialogue between works, things and people.
По теме: Space Rossana Orlandi
Masha Saava, art gallery k35
“We present the works of contemporary foreign artists, whom a wide audience could hardly have seen once, and Russian authors: both very young and already having decent exhibition experience.” French artists Claire Basler, Italians Omar Gallani, Luciano Ventrone, artists from the CIS: Marina Fedorova, Ilya Gaponov, Victoria Ikonen and others are in the pool of artists from the gallery. K35 cooperates with stars, for example with Oleg Tselkov.
“The most important thing for us is to show art that evokes emotions and with which you want to live,” says the gallery owner.

Ulukhanli Leyla, Leyla Uluhanli Interiors
На счету дизайнерского бюро Лейлы Улуханли, организованном еще в 2005 году, множество реализованных интерьерных проектов. Мебельный бренд Leyla Uluhanli Collection был впервые представлен в 2016 году на выставке maison&objet в Париже. Лейла Улуханли проектировала предметы, вдохновляясь стилем 1960-х: в предметах использована многослойная лакировка, роспись по дереву, инкрустация полудрагоценными камнями и бронзой, отделка пергаментом и галюшой. Коллекция авторских предметов дополнена винтажем, найденным в Париже и Лондоне.

Tamara Vehova, Vehova Art Gallery
Tamara Vehova is an art historian engaged in the painters of the Paris School — those who worked side by side with Picasso, Modigliani, Chagall. For her gallery, in addition to the masters of Ecole de Paris, Tamara Vekhova collected a unique circle of Russian graphic artists, painters and sculptors of the older generation, whose works have long been funds of our main museums, but are still available to the average client. Also in the gallery are widely represented modern sculpture, mosaic and inexpensive, but high-quality interior art.

Polina Askari, Askeri gallery
Askeri Gallery appeared on the basis of the Art Online portal 24. “At first, we focused on professional interior designers, who often face difficulties in finding work for their projects. However, the gallery has changed: the results of our work turned out to be interesting to both collectors, and museum institutions, and big brands. We are young artists and do not limit ourselves to a certain form or technology: street art, sculpture, painting, photography, graphics - we are interested in everything that a modern city breathes. ”
By topic: Romain Froquet: French street art in Moscow

Alina Kovaleva, "Rosewood"
New player on the Moscow scene. In the beautiful gallery space at the Trekhgornaya Manufactory, Alina Kovalyova offers abstract art and design. On the walls are paintings by famous masters: J. Schneider, Eddie-Legrand, S. Sarsuns, A. Lansky. Plus, a unique collection of twentieth-century items for Moscow: Jindrich Halabala, Joe Ponty, Arne Jacobsen, Norman Cherner, Charles and Ray Imz. The gallery sees its clients as “educated entrepreneurs, young people, representatives of creative professions”.