home theater in a three-level apartment

A photo: Evgeny Luchin
Interview prepared by: Dmitry Dmitrokopulo, Elena Efremova
Stylist: Svetlana Kobrakova
Project author: Lyudmila Odintsova, Andrey Rudakov
Installation: Mikhail Martynov
Project Manager: Sergey Gudim
Magazine: Technological N10 (110) 2006
Tells the author of the project architect
"This space was important to preserve and emphasize its advantages. This was the main architectural task that we consistently defended, considering it important that good sound and high-quality image on the home theater screen should not exist to the detriment of the interior design. Therefore, there are no suspended ceilings there are practically no enclosed spaces (with the exception of bathrooms and utility rooms). It was not an easy task to be able to organize in a single space a home cinema, a musical state . And other small living room to watch TV most isolated part of the apartment -. Area home theater We decided not to shield a home theater a separate room, and have identified for him the most shaded part of the floor, separating it a low wall from the rest of the space.
The blackout necessary for watching films is obtained by means of a hanging mezzanine and a partition separating the cinema area from the small living room. During daytime viewing, the skylights close the blinds and the front windows with shutters outside. The walls are lined with polished wood panels, which is not very good for acoustics, but the carpet and soft furniture compensate for this. A special feature of the cinema is the floor placement of the projector, which is hidden in a coffee table specially designed for it. This was caused by the very configuration of the room: the high ceiling formed by the ramp roof of the building does not allow the projector to be attached to it. We asked the installers to pick up acoustics with maple trim, as this material is combined with furniture made according to our sketches and wall decorations.
And, since all three living rooms are made in the same way, the speakers for the music room were chosen from the same collection as for the cinema. The plasma panel in the small living room is attached to the pylon and positioned so that it can be seen from the dining area - this is another plus of the open space. As a result, the "cinema-music" interior turned out to be spacious, bright, warm and very modern. "
Salon-interior magazine told about the features of the home theater installation
S: What is an object from a technical point of view?
- The apartment is equipped with all possible systems combined with centralized management. There are a large number of light scenarios - the customer can select them on any keyboard or touch panel. Automated and curtains, and the aquarium animation, and audio. The panels control everything at the same time: light, sound, curtains, heated floors, climate, video surveillance.
S: To the video projector were special requirements for brightness and projection distance?
- It was required to achieve the best image quality from CRT. Projectors of this type are very good, but they have moderate brightness and require maximum darkening of the room. I had to lay one window, but this is the only radical measure. Roller shutters of the theater zone and remote control of lighting and curtains helped to get the darkness. The projector itself is successfully entered into the table in front of the sofa.
S: This apartment is not simple in terms of acoustics - a complex geometry, an abundance of reflective surfaces ...
- No installer can convince the customer to change the style and build rectangular rooms without windows and with meter-sized sound absorber wedges on the walls for the sake of sound ... We didn’t try to make a super sound throughout the apartment. To watch the customer's TV, the plasma sound from
S: In the cinema, the front speakers are literally right against the side walls. Did it affect the sound quality?
- The problem of the side walls and the mezzanine hanging over the columns was solved by technology
S: The concept of compatibility of electronics and speakers - a myth or reality?
- Reality. That is why most lovers of good sound are willing to incur additional costs and turn for help to professionals who are able to find the perfect combination. And since we touched on the theme of compatibility,
Stereo in the living roomCD transport ЦЕЦ TL-0kkiTurntables Transrotor ApollonPhono stage Chord SymphonicPickup head Cardas MyrtleTonarm SME VDigital to analog converter Chord DAC64Preamplifier Chord CPA3200EPower amplifiers Chord SPM1400EAcustic systems