Arik Levi: “Trends are no longer in trend. If everyone fixes a trend, then it has existed for at least two or three years, which means it is outdated. Therefore, I try to work in advance. To create something on the basis of which trends will be formed later. I prefer to be not a trend setter, but a visionary. The task of the designer and, in general, of any creative person is to take a step beyond the usual and look at things from the side. ”

Paola Navone: “I am often asked if I follow current trends. I don't need it: I create trends myself. But do not think that the market is shaping trends. Trend is something new, and the market lives on the mainstream, it needs something that sells well, that is, a familiar and understandable one. From the market do not have to wait for future guidance. Trends are formed in the heads of designers. Well, those people who work in the development and promotion departments (there are such units in companies). ”

Karim Rashid: “I don’t like trends and I don’t really like the word style.” The digital transformation of our world has led to the fact that due to an overabundance of visual information, we have lost the depth of perception. We do not see the landscape as a whole, but as if we are looking at it from a small window. In pursuit of trends, many designers imitate style. For example, industrial chic is already everywhere, there is no former originality in it. We can say that now we live in two worlds. One of them is artificial, the kitsch of optical illusions, and the other is the real digital world. Design should be part of modern culture, rather than focusing on style and trends. ”

Boris Berlin: “Trends don't interest me. Trends - ripples on the surface of the water. The development of the project may take several years - depending on a number of circumstances - two, three, even four years. What we do, we assume and hope, will live much longer than the trends for some two years. Trend and style don't interest me. With all due respect to "trend" designers. I have no idea what colors will be in fashion next fall - what a difference to me. I create a "body", and what "tattoo" on it depict someone else - I do not care. My body must withstand all trends and remain whole. "

Andre Foo: “Trends are something that I always avoid. In the era of computer technology, trends have become so volatile and capricious that I prefer to watch them from afar. My personal perception of the interior - focus on the needs of the client, achieving maximum comfort and quality. My task is not to support trends, but to create timeless classics, personal and unique. ”