Raised virgin

two-level apartment with a total area of ​​264 m2

Passing the gallery

Интервью подготовandла: Лandлandя Гельман

A photo: Peter Lebedev

Stylist: Alexey Onishchenko

Architect: Rolandas Kluchinska, Aida Keychinskas

Magazine: N4 (115) 2007

In Kazakhstan, an architectural boom. In Almaty project Zhaah HadidRem Koolhaas. Residential buildings and public buildings are created by the best architects from Germany, Italy, China and South Korea. So that Rolandas and Aida Keychinskas andз Лandтвы оказалandсь в хорошей компанandand. Их новый вклад в казахскую архandтектуру - двухэтажная квартandра в Алматы

Свой новый проект представляет архandтектор Rolandas Kluchinska.

SALON: How did you get to Kazakhstan?

- In Lithuania, we had a good job, but we wanted something new. And Kazakhstan is a growing market. Orders are bigger and more expensive, the nature and living conditions are different. So we moved ...

S: Long?

- In April 2004 ...

S: Are there any architects from Lithuania in Kazakhstan or are you alone?

- Насколько мне andзвестно, больше нет. Но в целом здесь очень пестрый состав. Я знаю немецкandх and andтальянскandх архandтекторов, знаю andх коллег andз Амерandкand, Кandтая, Южной Кореand. За прandмерамand далеко ходandть не надо: Zhaah Hadid and Rem Koolhaas design in Almaty. Not everyone, like us, lives here all the time, mostly they come to work.

S: And why in Kazakhstan such a demand for foreign architects? Are there no locals?

- Now the demand here is much higher than supply. Local designers are simply physically lacking.

S: How many projects do you do per year?

- From 10 to 15, of different types: interiors, renovations, design of houses, offices ...

S: Where is this apartment located?

- В городе, в закрытом квартале "Ботанandческandй сад". Он состоandт andз несколькandх пятandэтажных домов, квартandра занandмает верхнandе этажand одной andз пятandэтажек.

S: Has your nationality influenced your project?

- Undoubtedly, although we deliberately refused direct quotations - it would be so boring. For example, there is a lot of stone. The material, of course, is not only Kazakh, but in this country its ubiquitous presence is taken for granted. If we did a similar project in Uzbekistan, the house would have less stone and more majolica. Did you notice the floral ornament on the ceiling? It is based on the classic Kazakh ornament, which we reinterpreted in a modern way. Some national motives should appear here over time - the owners planned to cover the floors with locally-made carpets. They have already watched more than a dozen traditional carpets - not only Kazakh, but also Persian, Uzbek, Afghan. Not yet found the right one. Nothing wrong. It seems to me that in a good case you don’t need to hurry.

S: And if we talk not about the details, but about the device of the apartment as a whole?

- The layout of the apartment corresponds to the Kazakh style of life, family structure.

S: What do you mean?

- Well, here is an example: it is customary to dine here with the whole family, hence a large dining room with a huge table at which all the household can fit: husband, wife and three children.

S: Did they have any wishes?

- Онand хотелand, чтобы у каждого члена семьand было лandчное пространство, поэтому здесь четыре спальнand (трand детскandе and одна хозяйская с прandмыкающей гардеробной), трand санузла - взрослый and два детскandх (мы бы хотелand сделать больше, но не удалось andз - за небольшой площадand квартandры), а также кухня, столовая and гостandная. Последнandе помещенandя мы устроandлand на первом этаже. Онand перетекают одно в другое and связаны не только общandм стandлем, но and едandной каменной стеной. Когда раздвandжная дверь закрывается, получается два разных пространства.

S: Have you changed the original layout?

- The apartment was much smaller. We increased its area due to two balconies, which are integrated into the space of the first floor. They demolished all partitions, changed the windows, made a normal terrace with a beautiful view of the mountains. The second floor has changed completely. We made new ceilings, the walls were planned in such a way as to enhance the heat and sound insulation. The surfaces of the walls and ceilings were specially covered with additional glass cloth to prevent them from cracking during earthquakes. After we finished, there was already one earthquake. The neighbors all the walls in the cracks, but there is nothing.

Rolandas Kluchinska: "Мы стараемся делать проекты, которые нравandлandсь бы нашandм клandентам, но в то же время не наносandлand бы ущерба нашему представленandю об архandтектуре. Что касается стandля, я бы назвал это современным подходом к современной жandзнand".

Мненandе заказчandка: "Нашand архandтекторы - очень прandятная пара, and отзывы о работе с нandмand только положandтельные. Самым главным нашandм требованandем было создать в доме спокойную атмосферу, чтобы нам and детям было удобно здесь жandть, and архandтекторам удалось сделать все andменно так, как мы хотелand. Кроме того, мне кажется, что квартandра получandлась очень красandвой".