On the thirty-third floor, where the apartment is located, a panorama of Moscow. “Someone may love her, some may not, but such a view from the window is already a big plus,” consider the authors of the project Elena Solovyova and Ilya Klimov, “Art Bureau 1/1”.
On the topic: "Art Bureau 1/1": European home in the Moscow region
Two-storey apartment of 180 square meters. m is located in the complex Mirax Group on Vernadsky Avenue. The owners bought it with repair and thought to invest in a minimum in the "final design". But when they began to study the object carefully, it turned out that the space was badly suitable for life, and therefore illiquid in the future.

“The quality of real estate offered for sale in Russia is sometimes not too high,” explain the designers. - Much had to be redone. Re-calculate ventilation, air conditioning, heating. Change the layout, finish. But the owners received housing of a different level. ”

Elena and Ilya have known customers for a long time. “Young people are our friends. They know our capabilities, we are their way of life. ” On the first floor they created an open common area and a private one - for the owners: with a large bedroom, a dressing room, a bathroom, an office. The second floor (it is smaller) was given for children. Immediately decided that the style will be modern, I wanted to make a bright, white interior. However, this is not a “white box”, but a complex, nuanced project.

“You get tired of pure white. And the owners were afraid of sterility - we made their previous apartment dense and rich in color. ” A pearl shade was used on the walls. Introduced creamy, greyish, added a little wood. Furniture, cabinets and consoles picked up white, but matte; gloss was avoided as unnecessarily cold. The most glossy element here is a floor made of artificial stone (93% quartz). And it glitters delicately. On the second floor, where the children used plywood for the floor - an eco-friendly natural material. She was painted with yacht paint: she has changed beyond recognition, but she has kept her warmth.

“The more fashionable a thing is, the faster it becomes obsolete. And subjects on an individual project - they are for a long time. ”
The apartment was ready in record time: they entered it six months after the purchase! Despite the fact that many things are made individually. Elena and Ilya admit that they have not designed so many pieces of furniture and interior parts for any object. “We were completely free — even from ourselves. All our ideas were accepted, and the mood from this was wonderful, the drive appeared. Not every customer can designate such freedom to their architect or decorator. When you trust - it's great. Responsibility increases even more. ”

The house has many mirrors. Especially noteworthy mirror mosaic. Each piece is chipped by hand. Here the amalgam slightly moved away, there the edge is uneven or the seam is uneven - such nuances create the correct refraction of light.

The modern style, according to designers, has an advantage: functionality. "It offers practical and beautiful materials of the new generation, advanced mechanisms, comfortable kitchens - the classic will not give such comfort." The floor on the first level is covered with Zodiaq® DuPont ™ artificial stone. "You can even spill wine on it - and there will be no trace, as it happens on marble,".

The project level is recognized by the quality of work and the execution of parts. All junctions, sockets, switches - not a single protruding element are thought out here. The plinth is executed so neatly that it can be detected only when it is bent: it is made of the same material as the floor and is built flush with the wall.

The interior was reduced to a minimum decor - but invested in things on an individual project. The spiral staircase, table, rack are made according to the sketches of designers in the workshop of Igor Seliverstov. The material (metal) does not look heavy or cold in a white apartment. It is all about proportions, subtle details, the right shade and finish.