New project studio YoDEZEEN - apartments in Kiev for a family with two children. The atmosphere of luxury is created by exquisite finishes, spaciousness and furniture of Italian brands.
By topic: YoDezeen in Kiev: big meters, valuable materials, furniture of the best brands
It seems that luxury and functionality are mutually exclusive phenomena, but YoDezeen’s customers wanted this combination. A young family with two children purchased an apartment of 320 square meters. meters in the residential complex Diamond Hill on the banks of the Dnieper. “We got an empty space: no partitions, only a couple of supporting columns,” says one of the authors of the project, Irina Babich. - On the one hand, the absence of restrictions makes work easier: create what you want! On the other hand, you have no right to make a mistake: you can’t justify yourself by interfering with the ventilation channel or the projecting pylon. ”
Стена отделана крашеными гипсовыми панелями. Стол Galotti & Radice. Cтулья Minotti. На полу паркетная доска уложена по диагонали. Над столом светильники Roll & Hill. Общественная половина объединяет гостиную, столовую и кухню. Мягкая мебель Minotti в обивке из нубука. Лампа Olucе. Несущие колонны в штукатурке под бетон. Кресло B&B Italia. The public half brings together the living room, dining room and kitchen. Minotti soft furnishings in nubuck upholstery. Olucce lamp. Bearing columns in concrete plaster. У стены шкафы Maxalto. Кухня Varenna/Poliform, композиция разработана авторами проекта. Столешница из массива дерева толщиной 6 см. Встроенная техника Miele. Барные стулья B&B Italia. На стене коридора картина украинского художника Олександра Ройтбурда. Хозяйская спальня примыкает к общественной половине, в ней такие же лепные панели, как в столовой. Кровать и прикроватные тумбы B&B Italia. Торшер DelightFull. От ванной спальню отделяют перегородки Rimadesio c зеркальным эффектом. The master bathroom is separated from the bedroom by Rimadesio glass mirrors with a mirror effect. The walls, the floor and even the ceiling are covered with marble. Milldue bath, Gessi mixers. The master bathroom is separated from the bedroom by Rimadesio glass mirrors with a mirror effect. The walls, the floor and even the ceiling are covered with marble. Milldue bath, Gessi mixers. The master bathroom is separated from the bedroom by Rimadesio glass mirrors with a mirror effect. The walls, the floor and even the ceiling are covered with marble. Milldue bath, Gessi mixers. The master bathroom is separated from the bedroom by Rimadesio glass mirrors with a mirror effect. The walls, the floor and even the ceiling are covered with marble. Milldue bath, Gessi mixers. Спальня сына. Кровать B&B Italia. Светильники Lee Broom. Корпусная мебель изготовлена на заказ. В проекте две детские комнаты, и каждая трактована по-взрослому: при каждой оборудованы санузел и гардеробная. Спальня сына. Кровать и кресло B&B Italia. Перегородки Rimadesio. Светильники Lee Broom. Корпусная мебель изготовлена на заказ. В проекте две детские комнаты, и каждая трактована по-взрослому: при каждой оборудованы санузел и гардеробная. Daughter's bedroom. Arketipo bed. Bedroom of the daughter. Arketipo bed. Floor lamp and pendant lamp Moooi. Poliform bedside table Bathroom in the bedroom of the son. Sink Milldue, mixers Gessi.
No less freedom the authors received in the configuration. “It happens that customers delve deeply into the process, agree on each item. But this is not the case: “I like what you have painted,” said the head of the family. “Make it beautiful!” So the responsibility in the selection of furniture, finishes, fabrics, and shades lay completely on us. ”
Стена отделана крашеными гипсовыми панелями. Стол Galotti & Radice. Cтулья Minotti. На полу паркетная доска уложена по диагонали. Над столом светильники Roll & Hill. Стена отделана крашеными гипсовыми панелями. Стол Galotti & Radice. Cтулья Minotti. На полу паркетная доска уложена по диагонали. Над столом светильники Roll & Hill. Стена отделана крашеными гипсовыми панелями. Стол Galotti & Radice. Cтулья Minotti. На полу паркетная доска уложена по диагонали. Над столом светильники Roll & Hill. The public half brings together the living room, dining room and kitchen. Minotti soft furnishings in nubuck upholstery. Olucce lamp. Bearing columns in concrete plaster. На стенах панели из крашеного гипса. The public half brings together the living room, dining room and kitchen. Minotti soft furnishings in nubuck upholstery. Olucce lamp. Bearing columns in concrete plaster.
Since the windows offer beautiful panoramas, it was important to get the most out of this advantage. Irina Babich recalls the following episode: “They made the layout, everything was beautifully lined up. But when they arrived, even before the start of construction, on the object, I mentally lay down on the bed in one of the nurseries. And I realized that the view from here is not the best. It was necessary to flip the bed mirror to another wall - and the situation was corrected. These important nuances can only be experienced live, on the spot. ”
Хозяйская спальня примыкает к общественной половине, в ней такие же лепные панели, как в столовой. Кровать и прикроватные тумбы B&B Italia. Торшер DelightFull. Вверху: Хозяйская спальня примыкает к общественной половине, в ней такие же лепные панели, как в столовой. Кровать и прикроватные тумбы B&B Italia. Торшер DelightFull. Хозяйская спальня примыкает к общественной половине, в ней такие же лепные панели, как в столовой. Кровать и прикроватные тумбы B&B Italia. Торшер DelightFull.
Подчеркнуть статус объекта помогли мебель и оборудование от брендов с безупречной репутацией: Minotti, B&B Italia, Poliform, Rimadesio — бюджет позволял сделать достойный выбор. Той же цели послужили и великолепные натуральные материалы.
Спальня сына. Кровать и кресло B&B Italia. В проекте две детские комнаты, и каждая трактована по-взрослому, при каждой оборудован санузел и гардеробная. Daughter's bedroom. Origami lamp Moooi. Poliform bedside table
The architects managed to uncommonly successfully combine the story with the present day, arrange, as Irina says, a rendezvous of time. Gypsum stucco panels are in harmony with brass and concrete. “At first, we wanted to leave the supporting columns in primeval bare concrete, but the material did not look aesthetically pleasing. Therefore, they resorted to decorative plaster, but they fairly tortured the contractors: they achieved the impression of formwork ”.
Laura Meroni brass panels are installed in the entrance area. Their diagonal position set the direction of the board on the floor - the interior gained momentum. On the wall is a painting by Ukrainian artist Oleksandr Roitburd The diagonal arrangement of the brass panels Laura Meroni set the direction for the flooring. In the corridor on the wall is a painting by Ukrainian artist Oleksandr Roitburd. Кухня Varenna/Poliform. Композиция разработана авторами проекта. Кухня Varenna/Poliform. Столешница из массива дерева толщиной 6 см. Встроенная техника Miele. Барные стулья B&B Italia. Кухня Varenna/Poliform, композиция разработана авторами проекта. Встроенная техника Miele. Столешница из массива дерева толщиной 6 см. Барные стулья B&B Italia. Кухня Varenna/Poliform. Композиция разработана авторами проекта. Встроенная техника Miele. Барные стулья B&B Italia. Спальня сына. Кровать и кресло B&B Italia. Светильники Lee Broom. Корпусная мебель изготовлена на заказ. Bathroom in the bedroom of the son. Bathroom in the bedroom of the daughter. Milldue bath. Plumbing Cielo. In the master bathroom there is even marble ceiling. Main bathroom. Plumbing Flaminia.
The palette of expensive textures complements the marble, they are generously decorated with all four bathrooms. “Contractors literally piled us with photos of samples from the quarries, we shoveled a huge number of varieties of stone. In the master bathroom, marble is even laid on the ceiling. “We were convinced that this was unrealistic: what about ventilation, built-in lights. But we did as planned. In the XXI century, nothing is impossible. "