150 years of the factory MOSER

Text: Marina Volkova
Magazine: Decor N1 (123) 2008
Crystal on the table is traditionally associated with the holiday, it is more than the ideal solution for any celebration - from the chamber family feast to the secular party. The history of crystal glassware dates back to centuries, and Bohemian masters were considered to be one of the best. Today, the tradition continues the famous Czech factory
Table decor with items from the factory
The setting is often determined not only by the nature of the event, but also by the style of the interior in which the celebration will take place. Here homogeneity is the surest key to success. Classic crystal glasses most harmoniously look in the same classic interior. Crystal and glass in the spirit of modernity - on the table in the same style and surrounded by authentic lamps. Almost all styles can be found in the limited anniversary collection.
If the interior looks as up-to-date as possible and the tone is set by high-tech or fusion, then objects from the modern part of the collection will be the perfect decoration for the festive table. It is built on associations and is devoted to creative rethinking by designers of various philosophical symbols. So, Rene Rubichek created a whole series of vases - sculptural compositions made up of prisms, oddly intersecting at different angles. They are designed to display different states of the sea. And Jiri Shugayek reflects on the theme of beauty and eternal youth, the result - a vase "Lotos".