Designer Elena Lenskikh created an elegant, respectable interior in a Moscow apartment. The basis of the concept is author's solutions and manual work.

Magazine: Decor N4 (214) 2016
Here there is a feeling of the unhurried current time, a special calmness, unusual for the megalopolis. One involuntarily asks the question: what was to be done with this space in order to influence time? (Moreover, scientists-astronomers literally just actualized the topic, opening the waves of space-time, and the topic itself from the field of metaphors confidently moved into the material sphere.) Components of the recipe: a unique author's concept, layout, emphasizing the advantages of a good, large apartment, laconic color scheme , natural materials, handmade. All this is in fact obvious here, but, in addition, there is still something, some kind of magic that seems incomprehensible at first glance. Where is it from? “Magic is generally characteristic of decorating art,” says Elena Lensky. “And it lies in the ability to work with details, think through everything to the smallest detail. This approach allows you to create an individual and holistic image of the space, the details of which are the same as the parts of the puzzle. ” According to this principle, including the beds in the bedrooms. Their headboards slightly “sag”, as if hugging an art object on the wall. In the master bedroom, this is graphics in a rectangular frame, which is why a recess in the head of a rectangular shape, and in the daughter’s room, a portrait of the little mistress in an oval frame. “Relationships” of two objects on the plane of the wall resemble the pattern of continents on the map: it’s like parts of one whole, some ancient Gondwana. The paintings were ordered to artists specifically for this interior, it is part of the overall concept of bespoke. The advantages include the way the public zone is organized. “I didn’t become shallow,“ cutting out ”the rooms, the designer recalls.“ Thanks to this, a truly ceremonial space has turned out — the hall and the living room. ” Adds the “air” selected palette: shades of ivory, pearl – gray, beige. Wall panels made of painted wood are associated with a country house. And the upholstered furniture from the USA — in the laconic style of “modern classics” —contains the fashionable “American accent” to the interior.
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