Себастьян Херкнер (Sebastian Herkner) несомненно пополнил отряд лучших промдизайнеров мира. Ему доверяют главные экспозиционные площадки ведущие выставки, он стал арт-директором чешского cтекольного бренда Verreum, приподняв его уровень до высот интернационального дизайна. Наконец, парижская выставка maison&objet назвала Cебастьяна Херкнера дизайнером 2019 года и будет чествовать его в январе.
Theme: Designer of the Year Rami Fischer
Herkner brilliantly handles orders from such venerable companies as Moroso, ClassiCon, Sancal, Emu, La Chance, Nodus, Gervasoni, Linteloo, Gubi, Dedon, FontanaArte, working simultaneously on several projects for different countries and ranging from furniture to carpets, lamps and sanitary ware.

Its theme is cultural contexts, combinations of new technologies with traditional craftsmanship. The theme is popular and popular, thanks to which it is impossible to reach Olympus Philippe Starck, but you can try to become the first among equals.

“There is a sensuality and identity in my work that emphasizes function, material and details. I convey and interpret characteristics from different contexts of society and culture, translating them into new artifacts. ”

Herkner was born in 1981 in Bad Mergentheim, near Stuttgart. Design studied at the University of Art and Design in Offenbach. While still a student, he did practice in London, with Stella McCartney, which helped him hone his understanding of materials, colors, structures, textures and textures. At the time of creating his own studio in Offenbach in 2006, he was already in demand among European top brands, worked on museum exhibitions and even on interior design.

Since 2007, young Sebastian has taught courses at the University of Art and Design in Offenbach as a guest lecturer. For his work, the German sprinter has received many awards: German Design Award (2011, 2015), Red Dot (2010), DesignPlus (2011), etc.

Sebastian Herkner with stubborn curiosity combines global and local, high and low, volume and reduced form, fragile and brutal, bright color and monochrome in one subject ... Herkner is not so much influenced by trends as collages, experiments, compares and feeds imagination traveling. “I really enjoy working as a team, especially with artisans, working with them, creating something new based on their skills,” says Herkner, explaining his recent trips to Colombia and Zimbabwe.
He is often called the German prodigy. Gifted and collected Herkner belongs to a new generation of international authors who are far from the show and acting tricks. This generation of researchers, laboratory assistants and alchemists who boldly violate all and all boundaries in design.