Milan Salon del Mobile Furniture Salon (April 17–22, 2018) is a key industry event. He is waiting for the participants themselves, the media, designers and all lovers of design. In 2018, the main site will be joined by two traditional biennials - a show of advanced kitchens and EuroCucina appliances along with FTK, as well as the International Bathroom Exhibition bathroom salon.
By topic: Exhibitions, fairs and festivals: a full calendar for 2018
Maria Savostyanova побывала на февральской международной пресс-конференции в Милане и выделила главные сенсации, которыми щедро поделились с ней ньюсмейкеры.
1. Demonstrators
Piero Lissoni talks about how the industry is changing.For the first time in history, the organizing committee of Salone del Mobile delivered a Manifesto - “a declaration of intent, which allows to preserve the leading role of the city of Milan and the industrial exhibition, as well as attract new ideas, projects and resources.” Claudio Luti, President of Salone del Mobile, Mayor Giuseppe Sala, Cosmit CEO Marco Sabetta, curator Marva Griffin, as well as designers Fabio Novembre, Piero Lissoni and architect Carlo Ratti set out key categories of the manifesto. It contains sections “emotion”, “activity”, “quality”, “design”, “youth”, “culture”, “interaction”. The manifesto was presented in the building of one of the best schools of economics, the University. Luigi Bocconi (authors built: Grafton Architects, curators of the current Biennale in Venice).
2. Innovation and quality
Ширма-радиатор Origami, диз. Альберто Меда, Tubes. Salone del Mobile.Milano Award, Design Plus Award 2017, Red Dot Award 2017, Good Design Award 2016. Nominated for the 2018 ADI Compasso d'Oro Award.“The competition has become tougher, the time frame is narrower, and the market more demanding. In the world race, winning is only possible due to constant innovation and high quality, ”says Claudio Lutti. More than 2,000 companies take part in Salone del Mobile (40% of them are foreign. Luty said that this ratio seems very promising to him). It is important for the fair that brands demonstrate their innovation. "This is a duty that all members of Salone del Mobile must fulfill with particular diligence."
3. Climate recovery
Botanist Patrick Blanc will help in April to demonstrate the four seasons.Furniture makers and the cultural community are concerned with the orderly development. In 2019, the traditional Milan Triennale will be held, which will be entirely devoted to designing with consideration for sustainable development. In April 2018, the Climate Remediation glass pavilion will be erected in front of the Palazzo Reale, in which four seasons will be presented at the same time. One of his collaborators is French botanist, creator of vertical gardens, Patrick Blanc. His Milan "vis-a-vis" architect Carlo Ratti invited Milan guests in April to play snowballs there.
4. New Design Museum
Pirelli skyscraper.In anticipation of Salone del Mobile, the Milanese are thinking that a city that is associated with advanced design throughout the world needs to have a new design museum. Three potential sites are being discussed today - the Triennale Museum, the upper floors of the Pirelli skyscraper (project by Joe Ponty and Pierre Luigi Nervi) or an old industrial building in the north of the city. At Milan's design week in April, the final decision is expected to be announced.
5. The X-Files
Cтол Arc, Foster+Partners, переиздание 2018. Стеллаж Graduate, диз. Жан Нувель. Molteni&C.Президент компании Molteni&C/Dada Карло Мольтени и его очаровательная дочь Джулия проанонсировали пополнение коллекции проектом Нормана Фостера и 15-летний юбилей стеллажа Graduate, созданного архитектором Жаном Нувелем в 2003 году. Впервые за тридцатилетнюю историю компания Promemoria выступит со своим стендом на основной площадке Salone del Mobile: «Для меня участие в выставке — травма, — признает владелец компании Ромео Соцци. — Но решение принято, мы двигаемся вперед». Vitra. готовит выставочный проект в пространстве La Pelota (где в 2017 была выставка Hermès), который курирует Роберт Стадлер. Dornbracht, среди прочих новинок, удивит публику системой Aquamoon Digital c уникальной системой настройки индивидуальных сценариев массажного душа и хромотерапии.
6. Nolo
Acoustic EO panels, new material based on spruce needles. Moscow design studio Aotta. SaloneSatellite Awards 2017.Fabio Novembre spoke about how the subculture of design youth and the nolo style (to live in motion, to change the address easily, to exchange the necessary things, to choose a new profession every six months, and so on) affect the city. The mayor of the city, Giuseppe Sala, stressed that 200,000 students are studying in Milan at the same time, of whom 40,000 are foreigners. For more than twenty years, Salone del Mobile has been engaged in supporting and promoting promising young designers by organizing the SaloneSatellite platform for them. Participation in this exhibition is a kind of springboard for talents from all over the world: the prototypes exhibited here often become a pass to the world of great design.