David Chipperfield designed two private villas on Lake Garda in Italy, included in the Villa Eden Resort - Gardone.
David Chipperfield - the most famous designing British architect. By popularity in the world, he is second only to his compatriot Norman Foster. An adherent of modernism and "timeless" architecture, Chipperfield formulated his creative credo in an interview as follows: "I strive for a simple, transparent architecture." Today, David Chipperfield Architects has 250 architects working in offices in the United States, China and Europe. Among the last major public projects is the building of the Nobel Center in Stockholm, the final implementation of which is scheduled for 2018.
When building villas, Chipperfield refers to limonias, a building designed to grow lemons, typical of this area with a mild climate and rich vegetation. Both buildings ideally fit into a stepped landscape with olive groves and cypresses. In accordance with the architectural tradition that Chipperfield takes as a basis, the villas have a powerful pedestal and are surrounded by three massive external walls of natural stone. The front facades of buildings are decorated as pergolas - the rhythm of thin columns in the gazebos echoes the “seating” of olive trees. Pergolas create reliable protection from the sun and visually “continue” the interiors of the house, leading to internal terraces with pools.
“I strive for a simple, transparent architecture”

When building Chipperfield actively uses local resources. So, for masonry and terraces used stone from a local quarry. Light constructions of arbors and window covers are made of wood and contrasted with the monumental stone "environment".
The architect pays great attention to the abundant natural lighting - both buildings are saturated with a large number of wide windows. At the same time, residential interiors are located in front of the buildings, providing luxurious landscape views of the lake, which face the resort town of Gardone Riviera.

За дизайн интерьеров отвечало немецкое бюро Landau + Kindelbacher, которое специализируется на оформлении офисов, отелей, ресторанов и магазинов. Компания работала с такими клиентами, как Siemens, Ernst & Young, а также оформляла вип-лаундж в аэропорту Мюнхена. Для итальянской виллы дизайнеры выбрали сдержанную цветовую палитру: светло-бежевые, оливковые и приглушенно коньячные оттенки.

The two villas designed by Chipperfield are part of a large-scale development project Villa Eden - Gardone, which was attended by such architectural stars as Richard Meyer and Matteo Thun. The project includes seven villas, a hotel with a spa center, a restaurant, etc.