Color in the interior

Text: Julia Sakharova
Magazine: Decor N10 (121) 2007
And the color scheme is also this: basically it is built according to the classical scheme. But only at the base: the classic color set is enriched with all the colors of the rainbow, and above all blue and blue (7), and even gold (1) and silver (3), thanks to which the color scheme as a whole looks fresh and unusual to match the fancy furniture from
Base - beige (2). This is the color of marble, which laid the floor and stairs, wallpaper in the lobby and the background of the painting in the pool. Another important color is deep dark red (4). This is the color of the wallpaper in the living-dining room and in the kitchen. Close tone - lingonberry - upholstery in the living room. Bright red (5) wallpaper in the "eastern" room.
В том же сегменте цветового круга находятся ярко-красный and бордовый, andспользованные в оформленandand "восточной" комнаты. Классandческandй компаньон красного - зеленый (6). Изумрудно-зеленый цвет прandсутствует как необходandмый акцент - на радужных шторах на огромном окне двусветного пространства гостandной, на обоях в "восточной" комнате, в аксессуарах andз муранского стекла.
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