French designer Mathieu Leanner continues to experiment with "liquid marble." 50 enameled ceramic discs in sophisticated blue-green hues adorn the walls of Christie’s Paris auction house. Next in line is a collection of wallpapers.
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Выставка продолжает серию Liquid Marblе, которую дизайнер впервые представил на Миланской неделе дизайна в 2013 году. Тогда это был бассейн с волнами черного мрамора в интерьере, отделанном по контрасту белым камнем. В 2016 он украсил инсталляцией, столь искусно имитирующей воду (журчащую реку, по словам дизайнера), двор луарского замка Шомон, а позже выступил в Музее декоративно-прикладного искусства Парижа и в музее V&A в Лондоне.
Related: Mathieu Lehanneur: liquid marble
In the fall of 2017, an extensive exhibition of a variety of tables with a characteristic speckled surface took place at Leanner's Carpenter Workshop Gallery in New York It was called Ocean memories.
And from the stone oceans and rivers Mathieu moved to the ceramic seas. The digital impressionism of the “Sea of Seas” is inspired by the complex shades of sea water: “the endless nuances of its colors show the true complexity of our planet,” reflects the designer. From the Hudson to Bengal, Mathieu Leanner shows 50 seas, reflecting the color scheme of the global hydrosphere and creating the chromatic topology of the world's oceans in all its subtleties.

The designer used high-definition satellite images, identifying fifty points across the earth and materializing images in large ceramic circles. “The Eskimos have 50 words to define the snow, I chose 50 shades to define the sea.
The exhibition takes place in Paris, from January 18 to February 2. Christie’s, 9 avenue Matignon, Paris VIIIe.