Maxim achille castiglioni

The architect, one of the founders of Italian design, the founder of many modern styles, the maestro who sensed the melody of light, the form poet, Achille Castiglioni, is one of the most significant figures in the design of the twentieth century

Passing the gallery

Materials prepared: Angelina Vin

Magazine: (75)

"... The irony must be present both in design and in objects. I notice occupational disease in people around me: everything is taken too seriously. One of my secrets is that I am constantly joking ..." An architect, one of the founders of Italian design, the founder of many modern styles, a maestro who sensed the melody of light, a poet of form, Akille Castilloni refers to the most significant figures in the design of the twentieth century. He is one of the creators of this new type of creative activity - design, one of the most ironic and practical patriarchs of it, a figure of a turbulent cultural era, still ongoing. Objects designed by him are distinguished by sophisticated simplicity and brilliant engineering inventions. For example, he made the arco gig lamp for FLOS - A huge chandelier, located on the floor. "The designer must be an interpreter of both real and virtual needs. To anticipate the requests of people about whom they do not think and unexpectedly discover in the already created objects," said Castiglioni. He designed for ALESSI, BONACINA, BERNINI, DE PADOVA, GAVINA, ZANOTTA, IDEAL STANDARD. Его работы хранятся во многих знаменитых музеях мира: MOMA, New York, The Victoria&Albert Museum, London и др. Akille Castilloni He actively participated in the organization of the Milan Triennalle exhibition (since 1947), received 7 prestigious Compasso d'Oro awards (The Golden Compass) and organized 350 game installations. The main maxim was formed by Akille Castilloni back in 1944, when he, together with his brothers Livio and Pierre Giacomo Castiglioni, opened a design studio in his hometown of Milan. Among the post-war ruins, they were driven by the idea that became the perpetual engine of the whole Italian design: the design must transform the production process itself, the functions and forms of objects - to affirm a new life. In practice, Achille proposed to implement this principle in the following way: “Start with an outline. Be true to common sense. Be clear about the tasks and the means to accomplish them.”In the 1950'sand the 1960s the brothers put forward another maxim, corresponding to new trends in art: to create objects using existing things, to make so-called ready-made objects (a Mezzadro chair with a "tractor" seat and Sella with a saddle from a bicycle for ZANOTTA). Castiglioni exploded the philistine ideas with an ironic device: he very organically entered familiar objects into a completely unusual context. Кастильони With all his creativity, he proved that "design - design is constant and consistent, not a passing style."