Dinner with gatsby

Restaurant Art Deco in St. Petersburg

Passing the gallery

Text: Olga Gvozdeva

Leading headings: Nina Farizova

A photo: Yury Molodkovets

Architect: Aleksey Levchuk

Decorator: Olga Kudryavtseva

Magazine: N10 (110) 2006

The interior of the restaurant Art Deco is fully consistent with the name. The red ceiling and dark green walls, despite their bright color, act as backstage framing the stage. The main thing in this interior is the details that create the Art Deco style: a decorative panel, panels with a slit geometric ornament, stacked table-tops, chairs in velvet covers, a bar counter lined with fluted silver metal ... The central part of the hall is turned into a podium for visitors able to feel like participants defile. "Space itself dictated this decision. Initially, the floor was below the level of the sidewalk. And this is unacceptable for the restaurant, especially if it is called Art Deco," explains Aleksey Levchuk.

Address: St. Petersburg, st. Sadovaya 47