Kitchen bulthaup: form follows function

Кухни этого бренда олицетворяют люкс и качество. Их ценят за техническое совершенство и пуристский вневременной дизайн. О пути к успеху — Mark Eckert: «Более 60 лет компания создает премиальные кухни Made in Germany. Наши модели — архитектурно и дизайнерски ориентированные продукты, соединяющие в себе тончайшее ремесленное мастерство и самые передовые промтехнологии, техническое совершенство и вневременную красоту. Делая выбор в пользу bulthaup, вы получаете не просто мебель для хранения утвари и готовки, но атрибут лайфстайла.

We are true to our creative roots - the traditions of Bauhaus and classical modernism. The main principle that guides us, was proclaimed in his time by the great architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. It sounds like this: “Form follows function.” However, today the consumer is not just looking for functional perfection in the purchased product, but also seeks to express his individuality through it. So the main task facing our development department is to follow the ever-growing expectations and needs of clients. Every day we in the company ask ourselves: do our kitchens meet the actual needs of people?

A project using the bulthaup b3 program in the south-west of France: a 6-meter-long block with a wooden finish and a stainless steel tabletop is installed in an old rural building.

We release three programs: bulthaup b1, bulthaup b2 and bulthaup b3. The latter is the main one. By the way, in Russia she enjoys the greatest success. We noted that Russian consumers are not inclined to buy kitchens in the laminate, prefer veneers, such as walnut or oak. In addition, our aluminum facades, produced by anodization technology that has no analogues, enjoy good demand: it allows us to produce aluminum surfaces with a color coating that is resistant to everyday use. This coating creates a warm pleasant surface, the shade of which varies depending on the lighting, showing the individual character of the kitchen. Also, Russian customers are attracted to our monoblocks in stainless steel.

Products under the brand bulthaup are created by our own design department, which allows us to adhere to the set reference points. Only for the bulthaup b2 program we made an exception: we attracted to our work a wonderful bureau from Vienna EOOS.

We do not just try to comply with environmental standards and additional standards established by ourselves. We are aware that, while engaged in design and production, we undertake social and environmental responsibility. I will give an example. A key element of the bulthaup b3 program is a special lightweight design. It gives the kitchen an elegant look and at the same time saves resources, since there is not enough material for it. As a result, the brand successfully combined a good minimal design and eco-approach in one product. Our other contribution to environmental protection is the durability of the models produced. Timeless design, excellent materials and a streamlined production process all together guarantee a “above average” lifespan, saving the kitchen from premature scrap. And that means - reduces the burden on the environment. "


With bulthaup b3, the entire space architecture can be changed. The bulthaup walls even allow you to create new spaces and spaces, for example, for storing or placing appliances. The working surface protruding from the wall (here - from stainless steel) is installed independently. It has a wedge shape. Under the work surface can be placed items for storage. In the b3 series, there are panels for a residential area, made of various materials and different widths. Books, bottles, glasses - the owner himself decides which items will find their place here. The panel that provides splash protection can be moved to where it is needed at the moment. It is so thin that it is even possible to push another additional functional panel onto it with the second layer.

The latest and most successful brand program. According to managing director Mark Eckert, she offers a huge variety of solutions that often go beyond the kitchen space. A key element of the program - experts have already declared it revolutionary - is the multifunctional wall b3. It eliminates floor planning, freeing up space. The wall as a supporting element and the basis for plumbing communications and electrical wiring is mounted on a special metal frame. Further on this design any components are hung - cabinets, countertops, household appliances, mixers, accessories. All of them, thanks to wall mounting, acquire a special lightness.

Today, a person perceives the kitchen as a space for life, and not only and not so much for cooking. The center of the kitchen is the table. Sitting at the table, we perceive the zone at the eye level most consciously: it is she who is in the center of our field of vision. The main idea of ​​bulthaup b3 is to organize various levels that vary in depth and can move horizontally if necessary. For a few seconds, the owner can create a zone for effective work or a relaxed pastime.


Monoblocks in stainless steel give industrial chic to the spacious kitchen.

Stainless steel monoblock is a bulthaup technological and aesthetic achievement. Excellent coating of the highest quality allows you to avoid seams between the table top and vertical planes, which in combination with silver color creates an object that is similar in effect to minimalist sculpture. The element is made exclusively to order and is designed in accordance with the wishes of the customer, who chooses the size and set of functions (possibly including the hob and sink). In addition to steel, the blocks can be made in any facade material system bulthaup b3.


Cabinet with a roll.

In addition to modular programs, the company produces independent elements. An example is a wardrobe with a roll, which when closed forms a single plane with kitchen fronts. Roll segments can be made from any bulthaup b3 system facade material. The model is ideal for compact placement of the coffee machine, the combine and other small kitchen devices. The novelty has wide usage possibilities: the cabinet can be installed both on the work surface and embedded in the column.

Another independent element - a rack with sliding doors.


House in Barcelona. The program bulthaup b3 is used to equip the combined space of the kitchen-dining-living room.

bulthaup expands the range of facade materials with the effect of a fresh saw cut: today, apart from oak, it includes larch. The special varth bulthaup for natural wood not only perfectly protects the wood, but also allows you to keep the rough structure in place of the cut. Expressive natural texture attracts the eye, and touching it gives bright tactile sensations. Perhaps both vertical and horizontal location of the wood pattern. Larch is presented in two versions: light (in the photo) and with the effect of soot.