French architect, master of fashionable interior Jean-Louis Deniot worked on the decoration of the luxury hotel Nolinsksi, an establishment owned by the EVOK group. Deno retained all the characteristic features of the Ottoman house, emphasized the recognizability of the French style and heightened the feeling of relaxation in the heart of Paris. The six-story hotel is located on Opera Avenue.

“I am a Parisian. I feel like a French decorator, I love my native history and architecture (although, if I only had to live in Paris, I would have suffered some kind of claustrophobia). At the same time, my work ethic is rather American: act effectively, go straight to the goal; besides, for me, unlike many compatriots, nothing is impossible.

My style is elegant, solemn, comfortable, while a little theatrical and sexy. At the heart of it is always a classic. However, the location of the object greatly affects the image. Working around the world, I would say that a place is a code. It is impossible to do in Moscow the same design as in New York or Paris. Manhattan afford something innovative is easier than in the Faubourg Saint-Honore. "

Each room has its own image and its own palette. The overall tone is set by gray, green, crimson (as an accent), as well as various shades of blue and turquoise. The interiors have a lot of polished concrete, there is green granite and Carrara marble, warm wood and brass details. The unique taste of these interiors is formed by metal moldings and vintage elements of the 1970s. Particular attention J.-L. Deno paid particular attention to the choice of ceramics - vazam and sculpture. The abundance of carpets and heavy curtains contributes to the feeling of special comfort and isolation from the bustle of the city.

While working on the project, Denoyo redefined the attitude to the traditional methods of decorating the Parisian interior. For example, he made sharp-angled zigzags on wooden panels, double ceiling-ceiling in the living room covered with sheet silver, the walls of the large living room and restaurant Brasserie Rejane adorned with painting by artist Florence Girette.

Brilliant work on the hotel Nolinski completed. Now all the forces of the designer have been thrown at the design of interiors in the residential complex of The Glebe in London Chelsea. Two residential buildings attached to the old school in Edwardian style. The architectural component of the bureau engaged in Gumuchdjian Architects. Everything inside is the territory of responsibility and creativity of J.-L. Deno