The German factory Huelsta has been producing furniture since 1940, and last year celebrated its 75th anniversary. Its designers honor the traditions of the Bauhaus school - in all models functional orientation and conciseness of forms prevail. The company is the owner of 220 patents, which speaks of its high technical level. Wolfgang Herrmann, director of marketing, talks about the company's experience and global trends: “Life is changing rapidly. The world is getting old. Therefore, he needs new ideas, new design. And we at Huelsta are working on this very intensively. Our credo: “We make furniture for people”. We produce things that are easy and pleasant to use, and this can be done for many years.
We try to create furniture that takes into account lifestyle changes that will occur in the next 3-5 years. Carefully study the needs of people. In general, when we design, we think mostly not about furniture, but about the future. We are looking at the global market, exploring what is happening in Italy, in Russia, in the UK, in Japan.

What trends define the image of modern furniture? One of them is that residential meters are becoming more and more expensive. Today, lofts, giant apartments are still in high esteem, but tomorrow they will decrease before our eyes. New York, London, Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Munich, Zurich - their population is growing, everyone goes to live in these cities, to become part of them. In addition, today there are a lot of divorces, people are increasingly living alone. Large families are rare. Everyone needs their own apartment. I know that in Russia it is customary to rely on traditional values, this is, of course, great, but the world trend suggests that more and more people are settling life apart.

In Germany, weddings are rare, 52 percent of Munich residents are singles who live in small apartments. They need to find a place for the bed, for the kitchen and living room. Therefore, the furniture should be multifunctional, easily moveable in space, at the same time elegant and well-designed, high-quality, made in excellent materials. The same modules are suitable for the living room and for the kitchen. Be sure to built-in sockets, channels for computers.

Today our customers are getting younger. And we need to respond to that. Therefore, we love the light, in our models a lot of lighting. Another circumstance is due to the fact that young people no longer buy books. They read, but prefer electronic media. No libraries mean the place is freed. Paper as a carrier goes away.
Tastes of residents of different countries vary. Europeans think first of all how to optimize their lives. And in the end to find something unlike. America is a special story. She has her own style, her own ideas about beauty and comfort: Americans love large sizes, huge beds, and they differ from Europe. In every country, people want to see their own design.

I think the Russians should create and develop the “Russian design” brand, in Russia there are a lot of good authors. For me, Russia is a European country. The difficulty is that it is difficult to think in the long run. This is the problem, you have everything in its own way. At the same time, people want to live like the rest of the world. ”