The landmark project of the architectural bureau PANACOM - “House-Python” on Novorizhskoye Highway.
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Когда архитектор не работает по принципу «чего изволите?», а имеет собственное мировоззрение и философию, — далеко не каждый решится стать его заказчиком. Но зато если уж доверится автору, то из их союза родится выдающийся проект. Дом бюро PANACOM — именно такой случай. Заказчики — замечательная интеллигентная семья. С бюро давно знакомы — построили вместе не один объект, не боятся экспериментировать, искать новое. «Это уже не заказчик даже, а единомышленник, партнер, — говорит архитектор Arseny Leonovich. — Мы с ним по одну сторону баррикад». (Вместе с Арсением над проектом работал Никита Токарев, сегодня директор и преподаватель Архитектурной школы МАРШ, а также сплоченный творческий коллектив.)

Surrounded by "Italian" villas and "English" cottages, neatly located in the neighborhood, the house resembles a newcomer from another planet. Absolutely asymmetrical, on each side it looks different, and from the facade it looks like a giant, curled snake. The bright form is not a whim and not an end in itself - it is dictated by the place. Like a stone on the coast, blown by the wind and washed by water, gradually takes its shape, so a unique architectural volume is born under the influence of the area. The plot has a pentagonal configuration; there is a pond nearby, on which it was desirable to orient as many rooms as possible; around the neighbors, in whose direction, on the contrary, did not want to look.

"There could not get a" cube "or something just as simple," explains Arseny. - There were too many parameters defining non-parallel movement, energy flows. Having pierced through the building, they intersected and created magnetized poles, which became engines in the work on the interior. The house is a whole organism. Work on the facade and interior is a single process, and in this case, for reasons beyond our control, it turned out to be a long one. Seven years have passed since the inception of the first sketches. But if it had not been for these years, the house would have been different. We developed - together with us developed and he. "

Everyone who comes here feels special. Although they cannot always explain why, it can be difficult to describe one’s own experiences. Space entails at the level of physiology, tactile sensations: "For us and Nikita, in architecture and design, they have always been extremely important." Unfortunately, such projects in our country are rare. The reasons are explained by Arseny: “People are not ready to experiment with worldview and, as a result, with form and space. They prefer to live, appealing to traditions: “Cozy, habitually means beautiful”. But for those who are mentally free, modernism becomes a pass to another, amazing world. ”

The total area of the complex is about 1500 square meters. In addition to the main building, there are two more on the plot - the spa unit and the building at the entrance where the service premises are located: a guard room, a servant's apartment, etc. The buildings are strung on an underground passage system. They give life in the house mystical charm, and most importantly - make life easier. The plot area is optimally used: some premises, among them a swimming pool and a boiler room, are at the minus level one.

Like theater artists, architects created set design for a life play. The house has a lot of vintage. Objects of different decades are collected in galleries and antique shops in London, Nice, Berlin, Barcelona. Each item has its own story, so it becomes obvious: this interior is not made according to the catalog. “Western projects are living, residential, with their own personal identity stamp. Ours often look like a showroom, ”says Arseny.

Arseny Leonovich invents a considerable part of furniture for projects himself. “It is not always possible to find the necessary. What is, is not built into the architecture, it is unscaled or simply uncomfortable. We have to draw the motif for the fabric that we want to see on the curtain, and the lamps, and the kitchen - here, for example, we needed a large angular shape, we specifically designed it for this house. ” Design is an important component of the activities of Arseny Leonovich, winner of several prestigious Red Dot awards.

The plan of the house with its cut corners, in fact diamond-shaped, defined the core idea - geometry dominates in the interior. The chimney of the fireplace, like a colored stocking, is covered with a large mesh. “They thought to sew with metal, wood panels, stone — everything was trite, sluggish, and movement was needed in this house. We laid it with Nikita from the very beginning. ”

“Fashion rules the ball, dictates both color and shape. From catwalks, trends are moving into other areas of life - and architecture is no exception. Houses made ten, five years ago - all carry signs of their time. ” However, talented authors are able to outstrip time (why sometimes they are not immediately understood). When this project began, the world was fascinated by neoclassical, flirting with neo-baroque. PANACOM made a bet on eternal geometry - and won.