Boisbuchet was a dream of expert and collector of design Count Alexander von Vegezak. He wanted a place to appear on the map where one can learn design in a pleasant atmosphere, get first-hand knowledge from practicing and sought-after pros.
By topic: Architects.rf: free education
Approximately 25 years ago, Vegezac bought the estate Domaine de Boisbuchet, a castle and 150 hectares of land in southwestern France between Poitiers and Limoges. Vegezak managed to organize a design school in which talented young people comprehend the secrets of craftsmanship. Summer workshops, an architectural park, exhibitions, plus a real design club. What could be better for a novice designer?
The Boisbuchet Castle now houses the International Center for Research and Cultural and Agricultural Education (CIRECA). Education is conducted in collaboration with the Vitra Design Museum and the Pompidou Center.Dutch students Lex Pott and the incredibly popular Dutch woman Sabine Marcellis, Canadian Philippe Maloine and others are invited to work with students. Ferreol Baben will focus on work with ceramics and glass. Master classes will be held by graphic designers Rudy and Vera Baur. Designers Yuri Suzuki and Kazuya Vasio will teach you to design new musical instruments, and the Scottish team Pyres will experiment in the park with Japanese floral technique.

Food designer Katharina Unger will develop new breakfast containers with her trainees. And Francis Kessler will offer a seminar that combines yoga and design ...

In addition to the weekly seminars, Domaine de Boisbuchet also offers cultural events: an opera night with New York artist Andrei Ondrezhak (July 13), a dinner in a traditional Japanese pavilion (July 20), a demonstration of 3D ceramic printing (July 24), a major exhibition on gender design (from July 8) ... For 2019, the estate is already preparing a special summer program to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Bauhaus.
• Price per week - from 944 euros to 1280 euros.