Baby cots with sides (children from three years)

From three years old baby cot does not have to be like an adult, without side panels. And as far as beds with sides can be stylish, original and unusual - look at the photo.

The content of the article
  • Do you need fencing on the bed of a child from 3 years?
  • How to choose a crib?
  • What types of boards are there?
    • Soft sides
    • Solid bumpers
    • Soft sides с твердым основанием
  • What beds with boards are?
    • Classic bed
    • Sliding bed
    • Bunk bed

Do you need fencing on the bed of a child from 3 years?

From birth, the child "lives" in a cozy bed for newborns (if, of course, he does not sleep with his parents). But by about three years, according to many experts in matters of child development, it is recommended to transfer the child to a more “adult” version of the bed and wean out of sleeping together with mom and dad.

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If the beds for the smallest (whether it's a playpen, a cradle or a classic cot) have barriers. This is necessary for the simple reason that the first one and a half years, when the child only learns to sit, crawl, walk, and spends most of the time in the crib, he just needs additional protection and support. However, from about 2 years old, the bed becomes an exclusive place to sleep, and for games the child prefers more spacious spaces. So, do children of 3 years of age need fencing to cots at all, or can they get along with a simpler “adult” option?

In favor of the use of bumpers on the preschooler’s bed, the following can be noted:

1. Bundles are necessary if your child has a two-story loft bed. Even for teenage furniture of this type, bumps are a must-have attribute, what can we say about a three-year-old baby? The sides will save the child from falling out of bed and your nerves from worrying about it.

2. If the child sleeps on the “first floor,” that is, on a regular low bed, but sleeps uneasily, the sides will also be very useful. A fall from such a bed will be less painful and traumatic than from the second tier of the bed, but it can be no less frightening. Agree, a little pleasant in the middle of the night suddenly unexpectedly fall from somewhere else.

3. Thanks to the sides, the space around the baby seems to be a bit closed. To some extent, this “cuts off” external stimuli and the child is less distracted by toy-picture books and falls asleep faster.

4. The mattress and bed sheet thanks to the bed with sides is more tightly fixed and less fidgeting.

5. On the sides, as in a wheelchair for newborns, you can hang some toys, amulets, colorful bedspreads. This will allow you to come up with a baby ritual of falling asleep. For example, before going to bed, your child may talk about how he spent his day on a little housewife, which is attached to the side of the bed. This is especially true for timid kids who are embarrassed to share their emotions and experiences with adults. Another possible ritual is to hang on the side of the rim a “magic veil” that will “give” to your daughter or son the brightest, most colorful, interesting dreams.

6. The sides of some cots are designed in such a way that they can be used as an extra shelf or space for storing important small things.

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Among the disadvantages of the use of bumpers in cots can be noted that:

1. The child may knock on the side during sleep.

2. There is a great risk that the baby may stick his hand or leg between the rails and get stuck. To prevent this from happening, the recommended distance between the slats is between four and six centimeters.

3. One-piece bumpers interfere with the ventilation of a baby’s bed.

4. Poor quality bumps can quickly break and have to buy a new bed.

5. Some children do not like to sleep in a confined space.

How to choose a crib?

For baby cots, it does not matter whether they are with or without sides, there are a number of requirements that must be met.

1. Materials desirable to use natural. Medical facilities try to use metal beds, as they are easy to clean, easy to disinfect and hard to break. However, at home, where the child constantly plays, moves, falls, it is better to give preference to the tree.

2. The crib should be ventilated. Rack construction contributes to high-quality ventilation. From the continuous bottom is also better to give up in favor of the slats.

3. Tree (впрочем, как и другие материалы) не должно быть покрыто лаками и красками. Однако если варианта с отшлифованной древесиной в Детском Мире нет и возможность выбрать по каталогу отсутствует – отдайте предпочтение покрытиям на водной основе.

All paints and varnishes to cover children's furniture MUST be certified!

4. Any sleeping place for a child should be firmly fixed and should be moved only by adults. Rocking chairs and wheels, which are convenient to use in cots, in the first months of the baby’s life, should later be removed or fixed. In principle, you can use a stroller for rocking babies (for more information on how to choose baby strollers, read and see the photo here), but from the age of three there is no need for it as such.

5. No children's furniture in principle and a children's bed in particular should have sharp corners. Moreover, they should not be at the side, which accounts for most of the strikes. All corners should be smoothed smooth lines, and even better protected by special linings of rubber, plastic or silicone.

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What types of boards are there?

Beds for cots are:

  • Removable
  • Fixed

In the first case, the sides can be fixed in specially designed niches or screwed. From the point of view of security, it is better to choose the second option, because there is less likelihood that the child himself will accidentally remove the sidewall.

Fixed бортики являются частью конструкции детской кроватки. Они могут быть совсем небольшими по всему периметру кровати (выступать примерно на три-пять сантиметра над матрасом) или же более высокими, но до середины длинны спального места.

In addition, the sides can be made of different materials. It can be:

  • Soft sides
  • Hard sides
  • Soft sides on a hard base

So, let's try to determine which is better.

Soft sides

Soft sides представляют собой натянутую ткань. Они могут быть в форме навеса, но чаще напоминают бортики кроваток-манежей. Иногда, для поддержания формы бортика, в тканевый чехол вставляется паралон. Такие бортики очень мягкие, но выполняют скорее декоративную функцию, чем защитную. К тому же такие бортики легко могут порваться.

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Bed with soft sides - 2

Solid bumpers

Solid bumpers как правило изготовлены из того же материала, что и основание самой кровати:

  • Tree
  • Plastic
  • Metal

For the ventilation of the bed is better when they are not solid, but from the rails. They can be ordinary, similar to the bed of a newborn, and I can be figured - in the form of a carriage, sides of a car, cartoon characters or something else. In the presence of such sides the child will not fall out during sleep. However, there is a risk that the baby may knock while sleeping.

To prevent bruises on the side of the crib during sleep, you can hang on them a protective bumper as on beds for the little ones.

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Classic bed with sides - 3

Classic bed with sides - 4

Sliding bed

Sliding bed или кроватка-трансформер предполагает трансформацию кроватки из спального места для новорожденного в более взрослый вариант. Бортик может опускаться полностью или наполовину.  В некоторых моделях кроваток он убирается по мере необходимости.

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Promotional bed with sides - 2

Raised bed with sides - 3

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Bunk bed

A side for a bunk bed - is obligatory! If not, don’t even consider such a bed as an option for purchase. Even if your baby sleeps almost without moving, the risk that he will fall is very high. At a minimum, the mattress on the bed will not be sufficiently secured and can move out.

On the first tier, the presence of a side is not so important. But he may be present there "for the company." In addition, if the bed is themed and made in the form of a truck, boat, carriage, bumpers can serve as an additional opportunity to decorate it.

Thematic design of the crib with the sides


Cartoon princesses

Flower motifs


The boys



Space ship

Cartoon characters

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Interesting cots for cots - 1

Interesting cots for cots - 2Интересные бортики для детских кроваток - 3</p><p>

The side on the second tier of the bed can serve as an additional support during lifting. The same function can be performed by an additional side on the first tier.

Bunk bed с бортиками