Many people have a summer cottage. And of course, they want to have maximum comfort. And this means that they are puzzled by the question of the device toilet. If a big problem for you is to call the AC-machines, then it is not necessary to build this sanitary facility with a cesspool. You can build a country toilet, which does not have it.
The peculiarity of the construction of such a toilet is that it equipped with a utilizer. In a special tank, full or partial recycling of all waste occurs. This allows much less likely to seek the services of assenizatorsky machines. In some cases, the need to call them is completely absent.
A country toilet without a cesspool, from which odor does not emit, can be very different in its design. Some toilets, primarily rustic, are distinguished by the simplicity of their design. Others are more complex. Which arrange - everyone decides for himself. Everything here depends largely on the availability of free time and physical strength.
- 1 Types of toilets without pit
- 1.1 Dry closets
- 1.2 Septic tank
- 1.3 Пудр-клозет
- 2 Choice of place
- 3 Toilet construction
- 4 Foundation construction
- 5 House construction
- 6 Ventilation
- 7 Conclusion
Types of toilets without pit
If you experience great inconvenience without a toilet in the country, then you can easily solve this problem by purchasing factory design. If you do not want to spend money, then you can build it yourself.
By solving this problem on your own, you can save your money. If you acquire a factory design, you will have to allocate time for this work, as well as to spend certain physical strength. Which option is preferable, everyone decides for himself. If you decide to engage in self-construction of a country toilet, then you need to know in advance about the nuances of the construction of this structure, as well as to get acquainted with the features of its operation.
Dry closets
In recent years, the popularity of dry closets has increased significantly. Many gardeners make a choice in favor of these structures. Basically, they are chosen by those owners who do not often visit their country estate. Models of dry closets to give can only be purchased. Such equipment is different:
- compact size;
- low weight;
- the minimum requirements that the owner places on these sanitary structures.
As part of the construction of dry closets there is a tank that contains dry or liquid filler. It contains bacteria that cause decomposition of waste entering the reservoir. Quite popular are the models that have backfill in the tank. The use of such a toilet allows to exclude:
- the occurrence of decay processes;
- the appearance in the operation of the dry closet odor.
One of the advantages of dry closets is that their installation can be made anywhere on your site, regardless of the terrain. The level of groundwater also does not matter much. Waste generated during the operation of a dry closet can be easily transferred to a compost pit for further processing. Then they become organic fertilizer.
Recently, electric dry closets have become available on the market, which carry out not only processing, but also drying of wastethat are brought to ash.
Placing dry closets in the country can be different. They can be installed in the house or in one of the street buildings.
Septic tank
Septic - this word combines a whole set of different designs of sewage treatment plants. Their main purpose is waste disposal. They recycle waste not only from the toilet, but also waste water from the house. One of the distinguishing features of such systems is that, with high performance, the septic tank provides excellent wastewater treatment.
Shops offer various septic systems. If desired, this cleaning system can be built by hand. However, you have to spend a lot of effort to carry out excavation work. This is due to the fact that when the device septic tanks are located underground. From the house directly to them it is necessary to lay a pipe.
Which septic tank to choose for your site depends largely on a number of conditions. For example, for areas in which the soil with low permeability prevails, it is not recommended to use septic tanks with soil tertiary treatment. Also, it is not necessary to install such systems in those areas where groundwater is located close to the surface of the earth. Modern models of septic tanks can be one-, two- or three-chamber. The quality of water treatment depends on the number of chambers. When choosing the total volume of tanks, it is necessary to build on the average daily volume of wastewater. Usually, with the device on the site of a septic tank, a toilet is connected to it.
Powder-closet - it is commonly understood as an economical toilet, characterized by ease of use, which is devoid of cesspool. When a person copes with natural needs, then the powders are powdered with a composition, thanks to which they are converted into compost. In some cases, ash or sawdust is used for this. However, it is most efficient to use peat and peat-sawdust mixture for processing. The contents of the tank as it accumulates plunging into a compost pitwhere ripening occurs. As a result, when using such toilets, organic fertilizer can be obtained from waste, thereby solving the problem of their disposal.
Prefabricated powder closets are available on the market today. They are distinguished by the presence of special backfill distributors, as well as a device that ensures the separation of waste into solid and liquid fractions. Some dacha owners construct such toilets on their own. They supply the tank with a peat tank as well as a scoop. The reservoir installed in powder-closet is characterized by high tightness. It is located on the surface. Therefore, you can install such a toilet anywhere on your site.
Choice of place
Norms that apply to objects intended for waste disposal are most important for septic tanks with soil purification, as well as toilets equipped with a cesspool. But also for toilets that are devoid of a cesspool, they must also be respected. This will allow avoid unpleasant moments in the event of an accident.
when choosing a place to place the toilet, it is necessary to take into account that it must be at least 25 m away from the water supply source;
- when choosing a place it is necessary to take into account the wind rose. This will help avoid unpleasant odor near his and his neighbors' house;
- the sanitary object should be located at least 1 m away from the fence.
Toilet construction
The toilets provided for dacha, deprived of a cesspool, are not only structures designed for waste disposal, but also objects within which the structure will be placed, partially or completely connected to the tank.
In most cases, ground construction of the toilet is built on frame technology. The structure has inner and outer lining. In order to build it, you will need the following materials:
- on frameworks it is necessary to use bar or edged board;
- clapboard or profiled flooring is used as the wall covering material;
- for the device of a stool boards are used or the choice is made in favor of plywood;
- galvanized metal or profiled flooring is used to cover the roof.
The door can be made with your own hands or purchased in the store already finished product.
To assemble the structure, do not do without fasteners - screws, nails, bolts. Also at your disposal should be the necessary tool.
To design served for many years. care must be taken to build the foundation, which will require the preparation of a concrete solution, or it can be made of brick.
Foundation construction
If you build the ground part of the toilet to give on the foundation, you can ensure the reliability of the structure. and it will serve you for many years. Easy enough is the typical construction of the toilet at the cottage type birdhouse or tent. Therefore, as a foundation, you can choose a ribbon or column foundation.
If the owner decided to build a strip foundation as a basis for the above-ground part of the toilet, then the first step is to dig a trench along the perimeter of the future installation.
Then you need to lay a pillow of sand with a layer thickness not less than 15 cm followed by tamping.
Then you can переходить к устройству опалубки, для создания которой используется любой доступный материал — фанера или доски.
In order to make the foundation reliable, you need to take care of the device reinforcing frame. To assemble it, you must use reinforcement or a metal bar. Material with a cross section of at least 12 mm should be selected.
After this, a trench with installed formwork and a laid reinforced frame is poured with prepared concrete.
A simpler task is pillar foundation. It represents the supports arranged on the corners of the house. They can be made of reinforced concrete. Also, asbestos-cement pipes can be used for the construction of such a foundation, which are partially filled with concrete.
House construction
The construction of the toilet without a cesspool is constructed in the same way as the construction that has such a pit. It is necessary to lay sheets of ruberoid on the laid foundation. This layer will act as a waterproofing layer and will provide a longer base life.
Before you assemble the frame of the house, you need all its constituent elements primed and painted. This will provide reliable protection from moisture, and the house will last longer.
Next, you need to act as follows.
First you need to assemble a frame of timber and boards. It is installed on the foundation on top of roofing material.
After that, you need to install the vertical pillars for support, racks for hanging the door. To fix them, you can use screws or bolts. Note that the rack must be installed so that the front pair was higher than the rear. This is necessary to ensure the slope of the roof, due to which the operation of the house will prevent the accumulation of moisture on the roof surface.
After that you can install beam structures for the subsequent installation of the roof with a small protrusion around the perimeter.
The next step is the flooring in the inside of the house. In addition, another frame is being constructed with a trim - a pedestal or a podium for seating installation. In the upper part it is necessary to make a hole.
Then on it is necessary to lay a roofing felt or another roof covering on the roof bar.
Then you can proceed to the implementation of the cladding structure, both outside and inside. To keep it better, it must be strengthened with cross beams.
If materials that are not resistant to moisture are used to make plating, then it is necessary to make their coloring and priming.
Then you can install door unit.
After that, proceed to the installation of lighting. The best option - power supply with the subsequent installation of the lamp. In some cases, you can get by with a lantern or install a lamp that runs on batteries.
Над дверью необходимо сделать отверстие для обеспечения в домике естественного освещения. After that you can считать работу по созданию туалета завершенной. Осталось только обустроить внутреннее помещение – установить сидение и крышку. Для принадлежностей следует устроить полку. Также необходимо разместить в туалете бак для торфа и совок.
The need for ventilation occurs even in toilets that do not have a cesspool. When a ventilation pipe is installed, effective removal of an unpleasant odor will be ensured. In addition, there will be a constant flow of air, which is necessary for the vital activity of bacteria carrying out recycling.
The easiest way to create ventilation in the toilet is to install a plastic pipe. You should choose a pipe with a diameter of at least 100 mm. It is attached to the outer rear wall of the structure. The pipe is installed in such a way that the upper part is higher roof level 20-50 cm. The deflector is installed to ensure thrust.
To stay at the cottage was comfortable, do not do without a toilet. It can be purchased and arranged on its own. Its design is quite simple, so the owner will not experience much difficulty. In order to avoid mistakes, you can familiarize yourself with how to build a toilet at the cottage before starting this work. Following the advice of experts, upon completion of the work you will receive a sanitary construction, due to which during your stay at the cottage you will not experience any inconvenience.