Ondulin and professional flooring are modern and very popular roofing materials. Each of them has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, which we will discuss below.
After reading this article, you will have a fairly clear idea of them, and it will be easier for you to make a choice than to cover the roof.
Roof installation and installation of roofing material - the final stage of construction. On the quality of the roof will depend not only the comfort in the house, but also a number of other important factors, which non-specialists may not even guess. Let's take a closer look at the features of these two materials - ondulin and sheeting.
Decking or ondulin, which is better to choose for home-->Decking or ondulin, which is better to choose for home
What is ondulin
Ondulin is made on the basis of cellulose and bitumen with the addition of mineral fillers. Its other names are Euro-slate, wavy, and also bituminous slate. Although Ondulin is produced by one company, it has a wide color range, good technical parameters and a decent price-performance ratio.
What is roofing sheeting
Decking is made of galvanized steel sheets, which for greater rigidity give a wavy profile on the rolling equipment. Sheets of corrugated flooring are coated with an anti-corrosion compound, then with a primer, after which a polymer is applied to the inside and a varnish is applied to the outside.
What is better - ondulin or decking?
Compared with corrugated flooring, Ondulin has great plasticity, so it is easy to lay it in hard-to-reach places and fasten on the crate. In addition, under the ondulin does not need to make a continuous crate, and the roof of it has the best thermal insulation properties and does not "rattle" in the rain. Ondulin is not susceptible to corrosion, in particular rust, it is environmentally friendly and safe for humans.
The disadvantages of ondulin should include its low strength, especially at high and low temperatures, a limited choice of colors and the fact that under the influence of sunlight, ondulin burns out, and the color of the roof fades after a few years.
The sheeting also has a number of drawbacks: poor sound insulation - when the rain falls, the roof will “thunder”; Roofs of a complex configuration are difficult to cover, since corrugated sheets are large and it is more difficult to cut them than ondulin. In addition, in the heat of the roof quickly heats up, and in the winter to her freezes snow cover.
As for the cost and service life of these two materials, there is no significant difference between them, they have little weight, and roofing work with them is quite simple. By the way, when buying ondulin, you should choose original material with certificates, as there are poor-quality fakes on the market.
Let us examine the advantages and disadvantages of each of the materials in more detail.
Pros and cons of ondulin
||Advantages and disadvantages of ondulin-->Advantages and disadvantages of ondulin
Advantages of ondula:
- low cost;
- ease;
- easy installation regardless of the season. Ondulin sheets are attached to the wooden crate with special nails;
- the possibility of mounting ondulin on the old coating;
- environmental friendliness;
- fineness and relative softness of the material provides ease of sawing and fitting to the desired size;
- high resistance to aggressive chemicals and fungi.
Inundations ondula:
- fast fading of color in the sun - during the first years of operation, the color changes noticeably;
- since in the process of laying ondulin quite a few joints are obtained, any defect can lead to the leakage of the roof;
- roughness, due to which snow can linger on the roof;
- softening when heated and brittleness at low temperatures. Because of these features, any work on the roof in the hot and cold seasons can damage the ondulin sheets;
- small selection of colors;
- combustibility at high temperatures;
- guaranteed service life is not so high - 15 years. True, this does not mean that the sheets of ondulin will serve only this period.
The advantages and disadvantages of profiled sheeting
||The advantages and disadvantages of profiled sheeting-->The advantages and disadvantages of profiled sheeting
The advantages of professional flooring:
- relative cheapness;
- high service life. In the absence of damage to the protective layer, the profile will last up to 50 years;
- universality - it is possible to apply a professional flooring for the device of various types of a roof on buildings of different function;
- ease of installation. There is no need for highly skilled installers and special equipment;
- environmental Safety;
- a small number of joints during installation;
- good protection against corrosion and high tightness;
- wide range of colors, aesthetics;
- incombustibility
Profit Cons:
- insufficient sound insulation, increased noise during precipitation;
- the possibility of condensation;
- On a complex roof, there may be problems with covering roundings and corners.
When choosing between profiled sheeting and ondulin, one should take into account the advantages and disadvantages of these materials, as well as the specific features of the house under construction. In addition, it is important to acquire high-quality coverage, not fake - only in this case it will serve the time stated by the manufacturer.