What can kings

Petersburg City Bank Vladimir Chuvashev

Passing the gallery

A photo: Victor Vasiliev

Text: Olga Gvozdeva

Leading headings: Nina Farizova

Project author: Vladimir Anatolyevich Chuvashev

Architect: Yakov Voloshin, Irina Golovina, Vladimir Vladimirovich Chuvashev

Painting, graphics: Peter Tatarnikov, Sergey Pen

Sculptor: Ivan Govorkov, Elena Gubanova

Magazine: N6 (84) 2004

Petersburg City Bank is located in the heart of the Northern capital - next to the Square of Arts, in the reserve of Russian classicism. Therefore, the neoclassical solution of the interior seemed to be the only correct one; moreover, the slimness and respectability of this style ideally suited such a solid institution. All key areas demonstrate the unity of form and content; rare varieties of marble and granite are used in the decoration. The walls of the working premises are decorated with copies of old daguerreotypes, which capture the daily life of the capital, and canvases depicting St. Petersburg and Venice. The comparison of the two Venice is not accidental, because behind the window is Italiana Street, into the panorama of which the Petersburg City Bank organically fit, contributing to its historical "asset".