At the winter session of the MaisonObjet exhibition in Paris, the collections of the spring-summer season were shown. Many presentations took place in the showrooms

Magazine: Decor N5 (204) 2015
The design of textiles is the same as in design in general. Fight two beginnings. And while it is not clear, this opposition of light and darkness or both sides are set up peacefully and the conflict will turn out to be a dialogue. Some designers advocate the need to return to the sources: manual labor, time-tested techniques, piecework, made to order. Others are enthusiastically learning new technologies: 3D printing, advanced materials, optical effects. The new collection of the brand BOUSSAC, for example, includes upholstery and curtain fabrics, of which it is possible to make space suits. They are made of polyurethane cells – facets, which refract light in a special way. Also included in the collection are pressed and perforated textiles, cut out with a laser.
Many collections included fabrics in the “native” style — with a variety of ethnic motifs. Designers even looked into such remote corners of the planet like Polynesia and South Africa. Someone turned to the history and culture of China, recalling the decor of the imperial residences: the color scheme of the palace interiors of the Forbidden City and traditional ornaments.
The fashion range also has two poles. Some factories have relied on open colors and recklessly bright combinations. Others - on the pastel scale, mostly fawn pink and pale blue. It would seem that the first rhyme well with techno, and the second with a “craft” direction, but in reality there is no such direct dependence. The combinations of color, material and general style are very different, and the number of possible combinations increases several times, finally confusing the matter.
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