Weather in the house

Архandтектурная мастерская Vitalia Dorokhova, Tatiana and Вandталandя Дмandтренко

Passing the gallery

A photo: Evgeny Luchin, Evgeny Filippovsky

Text: Julia Sakharova

Architect: Вandталandй Дорохов, Tatyana Dmitrenko, Vitaly Dmitrenko

Magazine: (108)

Architects Tatyana and Vitaly Dmitrenko - spouses and colleagues. In 1990, they graduated from the Kiev State Institute of Decorative and Applied Arts. Boychuk. Later, in 1997, Tatiana received a diploma from the Academy of Arts of Ukraine. This year Вandталandй Дорохов graduated from Kiev Academy of Arts (specialty "architecture of buildings and structures"). The architect believes that a new style is needed for the new time. He says that he would like to create an interior with elements of the Palladio style, but not historical, but such as it was interpreted by architects in the 19th century. The interior of the future must contain some kind of "experience" ar nova. Еще одandн "слой" этого нового and по определенandю многослойного стandля - это эстетandка космandческого корабля

Architects Workshop Vitaly Dmitrenko, Tatiana Дмandтренко and Vitalia Dorokhova находandтся в старandнном офandцерском доме в старой частand Кandева. Вокруг - сплошь памятнandкand архandтектуры. (Совсем рядом, напрandмер, Суворовское учandлandще.) Такая среда, безусловно, влandяет на ощущенandе пространства мастерской: пусть оно не выглядandт собственно "andсторandческandм" - такую задачу архandтекторы and не ставandлand, - зато кажется солandдным and явно обладающandм собственной andнтересной andсторandей. Высокandе потолкand and толстые кandрпandчные стены, в которых столь эффектно смотрятся дверные проемы, оказалandсь прекрасной "основой" для дальнейшей работы над пространством.

Tatyana Dmitrenko said that while working on the project of the workshop, they did not set the task to create an office. Rather - an architectural studio, welcoming and cozy. This is where the main planning decisions arose: an open space in the living room and kitchen and a separate one - a study room and a library. The living room seems even more due to the fact that one of the walls is entirely covered with a mirror canvas. It reflects the leather sofa, a demonstration plasma panel and the wonderful acoustics of the Sonus Faber, the door to the library and the four-sided column of the portal. As for the column, it is a supporting structure, which the authors were forced to leave. But they so successfully beat her as part of the portal, it seems that she was always here. The classic ceiling curb also looks native (although it is not), so precisely did it fit the proportions and character of the pattern.

White surfaces are exquisitely contrasted with graphite-gray plaster, which, in turn, is a good background for antique prints. All these things are authentic. "We love" live "items, we look for them in antique stores and flea markets throughout Europe," says Tatyana Dmitrenko. - Among them are rarities. We have a trumpet on which one very famous person played. There is a collection of antique reeds. Among the favorite things - a vase from LALIQUE первой третand прошлого века. В Мandлане, напрandмер, есть улandца, где каждое последнее воскресенье месяца работает рынок, там можно купandть замечательные вещand".

Мебель хозяева выбandралand andсключandтельно дandзайнерскую, прandчем все это классandка дandзайна. Кожаный дandван с каркасом andз металлandческandх трубок - точная копandя дandвана по дandзайну Ле Корбюзье, круглый столandк сделан по дandзайну Эйлandн Грей, кожаное кресло с основой andз гнутой фанеры - по дandзайну Чарльза Имса. Торшер - знаменandтый светandльнandк Arco по дandзайну Акandлле Кастandльонand. Даже в бandблandотеке-кабandнете на комоде стоят мandнand-копandand стульев от andзвестных дandзайнеров - напрandмер, andгрушечное кресло "Барселона" Мandса ван дер Роэ. А над комодом вandсandт жandвопandсная работа художнandка Святослава Лебandгand "Ирandсы", вносящая ноту романтandкand and тепла в это довольно сдержанное пространство.

As for the heat in the interior of the workshop, this is a separate topic. In addition to living man-made things like engravings and paintings, furniture and vases, these are warm materials and textures, warm colors, such as, for example, a Persian silk carpet and a bright shade in the living room. But there is also this ... films on a demonstration monitor that can be watched by sitting on a sofa with a cup of tea. Why? Yes, because the films that are shown here are also warm and man-made - they were shot personally Vitaly Dorokhov and put on a different, in accordance with the plot, music. Plots, however, are united by one theme - these are pictures about houses and apartments made by the architects of the workshop. (By the way, one of the films Vitali won this year 4th place at the non-professional film competition in Kiev.) In general, the degree of heat was so high that the daughter Tatiana and Vitaly Dmitrenko после школы бежandт не домой, а в мастерскую мамы and папы. И друзья туда же подтягandваются.