Exactly there is this exotic garden. If you give more accurate coordinates, then we are talking about Saint – Jean – Cap – Ferrat - a resort located on a promontory in the sea

Leading headings: Marina Volkova
A photo: - © Jean Mus
Magazine: (184) 2013
French landscape designer Jean Mus has been creating gardens in Provencal and Mediterranean styles for more than 30 years. Often, the style and geography of his works are the same. As it was, for example, in this case. This garden is located on the French Riviera, with the light hand of the little-known writer Stefan Liegear, admiring the beauty of this land, called Cote d'Azur. The writer was forgotten, but the name stuck. Looking at this garden, you make sure that Liegear was right. The breathtaking panorama of the azure sea surface is a witness to that. The garden surrounds the villa, located on a steep slope, and the views from here openly breathtaking.
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