A plot with a beautiful renovated house will seem incomplete if there is a scruffy area with grass thickets around it. And the same house will look completely different, but with a lawn in place of these thickets. And let him need to give a lot of effort and attention, but the result of the work will be amazing. Flower arrangements will sparkle with completely different colors, various sculptures and tall trees will stand out stronger against the background of silky green grass.
- 1 Types of lawn grass
- 2 Features of different types of lawn grass
- 2.1 Parterny lawn
- 2.2 Ordinary and sports lawns
- 2.3 Moorish lawn
- 2.4 English lawn and lawn "for the lazy"
- 2.5 Rolled lawn
- 3 Comparing the cost of arranging a lawn with different herbs
- 4 What should be considered when choosing a lawn grass?
Types of lawn grass
Lawn grass is divided into the following kinds:
- Parterny lawn
- Ordinary lawn
- Sports lawn
- Moorish lawn
- English lawn
- Lawn "for the lazy"
- Rolled lawn
Anyone can choose the right lawn for themselves. After all, each of these species has different characteristics and requires a different care.
Features of different types of lawn grass
Parterny lawn
It can be said that this type of lawn is the most spectacular. It is a flat, short-cropped, neat glade. Have it on your site only as a decorative element. Ideal places for this are the sites located along the alleys, in front of the facade of the house or near the fountain. On its background look remarkably different flowers and trees.
Parterny lawn растет только in sunny areas, he does not like blackout and excess moisture. Before planting this lawn, it is necessary to prepare the ground: pull out all the weeds, level the surface, otherwise in the future all the slightest irregularities will be visible.
Ordinary and sports lawns
Ordinary lawn is the most common. It is great for relaxing with the whole family. On it you can safely walk, ride a bike, it is very stable. It doesn’t look much worse than a parquet lawn, at the same time it takes much more to care for it. less effort and time.
Sports lawn применяют на участках, которые подвержены heavy load. Most often it is used on sports fields, hippodromes or stadiums. But its cultivation technology is quite complicated, the slightest allowable errors can lead to a complete replacement of the lawn, which will lead to a large financial loss.
Moorish lawn
This type of lawn is very impressive, it has another name - flowering. Its floral patterns change over time, which can not fail to attract attention. In the Moorish lawn combined more than a dozen different varieties of grass and flowers.
Read more about this view.
English lawn and lawn "for the lazy"
English lawn is a subspecies of the ground lawn. It also looks amazing, but there are some the differences: softness, a certain humidity, herbage of a few centimeters. English lawn is used as well as ground floor as a decorative element for its plot. At the same time it needs to be provided meticulous care, not forgetting about his haircut several times a week.
Now widespread lawn for the "lazy". It has similarity with the wild flowering field. But at the same time, if you give him a little time, he can get a fairly well-groomed appearance.
Rolled lawn
This type of lawn is rapidly becoming popular in Russia, but abroad it has been used for a long time. Under the turf means turf, which is already grown grass. Its main advantage over other species is saving time and effortthat can be spent on growing already prepared grass cover.
Rolled lawn продается и транспортируется в виде пласта свернутого в рулон. Следует знать, что чем дольше пласт будет находиться в завернутом виде, тем дольше уйдет времени на приживание дернины. Поэтому после приобретения данного газона его рекомендуется его уложить как можно скорее.
Comparing the cost of arranging a lawn with different herbs
Arrangement of various types of lawn at its cost varies widely enough. Estimated average cost of work is:
- Ordinary lawn, 250 - 450 rubles per square. meter.
- Moorish lawn, 550 рублей за кв. метр.
- Parterny lawn, 700 рублей за кв. метр.
- Sports lawn, 400 рублей за кв. метр.
- Rolled lawn, 300 — 550 рублей за кв. метр.
What to consider when choosing a lawn grass?
- Seeds for a parquet lawn differ from other types of seeds in their more high cost. When choosing seeds for a given lawn, their preference should be given: narrow-leaved, perennial, short and with a uniform shade. These seeds can be: fescue, field, meadow meadow. These seeds have one drawback, they germinate for a long time. Therefore, it is necessary for a good result to put a lot of time and effort.
An ordinary lawn is created with the help of seeds with various types of tillering, with a developed root system, with strong shoots and broad-leaved, perennial grass seeds. The composition of the seeds may include bass, bluegrass, pasture ryegrass, red fescue. In terms of cost, they differ from other types of lawn. low bar. It should be noted that these seeds have an intensive growth process, so they will need to be cut quite often.
- Grass seeds suitable for sports lawn should calmly endure both drought in summer and frost in winter. Shoots must be elastic and wide, the leaves themselves possess a shade of emerald green and dense turf carpet. Such herbs can be a pendulum, fenders, fescue.
- In most cases, the mix of grass of the Moorish lawn includes less wild flowers and more cereal grassess (mist, benthole, pasture ryegrass). Flowers can be both annual and perennial, the main thing is that after their flowering they do not lose their decorative appearance. In the mixture of flowers may include poppies, cornflowers, forget-me-nots, calendula, Chinese carnation, chamomile, meadow clover.
As seeds for the English lawn, you can use bluegrass, field, timothy, fescue. It should be before sowing seeds study the acidity and composition of the soil necessary plot and prepare it.
- The lawn "for the lazy" is divided into meadow, Moorish, non-grass and clover lawn. Meadow is characterized by fresh greens, which from time to time should be cut. The lawn is sown mainly from mixtures of perennial fescue, bent, timothy, comb dung, or wheat grass. But in the Moorish lawn included not only grass, but also flowersthat will delight their bloom. The most implacable lawn is grass and clover. At the same time, they are very durable.
Whatever type of lawn is preferred, without proper care, the lawn grass will either die or turn into an unattractive, neglected lawn. Timely watering, dressing, cutting, treatment will turn the lawn into the pride of their owners, which will captivate all neighbors and passersby.