В январе Париж завалило снегом. А в павильонах выставочного комплекса Paris Nord Villepinte царила весна: в рамках выставки Maison&Objet крупнейшие текстильные компании показывали, каким будет дизайн грядущего сезона

A photo: Dmitry Livshits, - the press services, - wikimedia.org
Text: Marina Volkova
Magazine: Decor N5 (182) 2013
A variety of topics and non-trivial approach struck us at the French factory ÉLITIS. Her new collection of printed wallpaper Pleats is a skillful imitation of boiserie, mirrors, lace, textile and leather panels. A vinyl wallpaper from the collection of Parfums, one to one of linen and raffia fabrics, depict patchwork, fragments of Persian carpets and traditional attires, such as sarong and kimono. Special mention deserves her own collection of polyester coverings for walls Volare, inspired by bird plumage.
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