The decor in the decor

MDECOR store in Kiev

Passing the gallery

Text: Nina Farizova

A photo: Andrey Avdeenko

Project author: Sergey Makhno

Magazine: Nya (175) 2012

MDECOR store in Kiev is very small in area - only 50 square meters. “I have long wanted to make an interior, the main elements of which will be wood, glass, metal and concrete,” says the architect. Sergey Makhno. - A partition from cast concrete panels divides the store into private and public areas. Concrete is also used in the design of furniture. Chests and stumps-pedestals made up of small groups form islands. By the way, stumps were specially brought to us from Prikarpatye. It is a fir, it has a beautiful texture and a nice color. They made cubes of rusty metal, which were placed on the wall. The huge tabletop is made of glass. Gray is my favorite color. Art and decorative objects look very good against it. ”