Stylish look at things

apartment with a total area of ​​103 m2 in the Stalin-era building Galina Mikulik

Passing the gallery

A photo: Sergey Morgunov, Ekaterina Morgunov

Interview prepared: Nadezhda Nadimova

Stylist: Nina Mahmurova

Designer decorator: Galina Mikulik

Magazine: N1 (90) 2005

Galina Mikulik - стильная женщина и автор стильных проектов. Однако в отношении своих интерьеров вопрос о стиле считает некорректным, так как, по её мнению, универсальные принципы архитектуры, устроения пространства стоят вне любых стилевых норм. Галина рассказала о своих взглядах и методах работы...Look at the style "Both in this and in other projects I try to avoid stylization, scenery, dramatization, any kind of stylistic determination. To build living space, based on living human experience, create an environment in which spatial pauses are just as important and significant like any objects, to operate with simple clear volumes - this is my style. These universal methods, of course, were not invented by me. They were, for example, proclaimed by the leaders of Bauhaus back in the 20s.Glance at man “Before starting this work, I talked with customers for a long time. I tortured them with questions, because it depended on how comfortable they would feel inside the space I had invented. their reaction (they like it - they don’t like it, it’s warm or cold in this apartment) and made appropriate adjustments. In general, we can count on success in our business only with the full understanding of the designer and customer.A look at the story “I don’t like new buildings, even the most elite ones. Creating an interior in a new house means working from scratch. And in this Stalinist apartment, which belonged to some great boss in Soviet times, there was a sense of history. , the shading of the old apartments, to clear the space with the help of color, light, textures to make it "warmer" and more spacious. cl aesthetic modernism in the spirit of the international style of Mies van der Rohe ".Look at things "The walls in this apartment are white, in general very bright undifferentiated planes prevail here. Against this background, each object acquires special significance. And here it is important to find some kind of dominant, art object, able to become a kind of center of gravity. In this apartment, monochrome canvases became such dominant Alexandra Zhirnoklyueva, who in many respects "hold" the interior, give it a special aesthetic sense. " Galina Mikulik: "Work on the interior went gradually, as if on a picture, smear after smear. A certain image was conceived, but in the process of implementation the project, like a living organism, changed, transformed, freed from all unnecessary. As a result, the apartment turned out bright, spacious, extremely clear in its structure and stylistically whole. "