Style is classic, color is red

Rubens restaurant in Moscow Elena Solovyova, Ilya Klimov

Passing the gallery

A photo: Dmitry Livshits

Leading headings: Nina Farizova

Designer: Ilya Klimov, Elena Solovyov

Magazine: N11 (100) 2005

It is known that Rubens loved the color red. The new restaurant, which bears the name of a famous artist, is full of different shades of red. The main thing worth visiting Rubens at least once (Moscow, 2 nd Frunzenskaya ul., 2) is to look at the artist’s true picture “Drunk Silenus, led by satyrs”. And this is not just a literate PR. The picture is really real. Red and gold classic luxury, a lot of antiques, paintings on the walls that you can buy (although, apart from Rubens), Italian cuisine and Italian chef ... What could be more beautiful than eating delicious dishes and at the same time enjoying authentic art!