
Merging bathroom and bedroom. Principle of openness

Passing the gallery

Leading headings: Karina Chumakova

Magazine: N5 (105) 2006

It is known that the word spa goes back to the name of the town of Spa in eastern Belgium, famous for its sources, which among other famous tourists was Russian Tsar Peter the Great. But the Russian ear is no, no, and in the word "spa" it will catch the native, as if unspoken word "bedroom" - the name of the stronghold of rest and bliss. So how can you not rejoice at the merger of the bathroom with a bedroom, because the path from one innocent pleasure to another is reduced to just a few stepsAlexey Morozov: "Step by step, with the active participation of the hostess of the apartment, which can be considered a full-fledged co-author, we achieved absolute comfort - spatial, visual, tactile, psychological. bathroom, functional and concise at the same time. "

Maxim Pogorely: "This bathroom is not designed for washing - there is a shower in the apartment, there is a mini-pool. I wanted to move away from the utilitarian approach to the bathroom as a purely hygienic room, I was interested in it as a place of relaxation. Just like, lies on the couch to read, he can fill the bath and lie down in it, not feeling separated from the life of the house by deaf walls - for this we made glass from the outer walls of the bathroom, behind it is the living room. On the other hand, this combination also ud BNO - bathed and into bed at once. "

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