Sleep science

Sketch of a modern bedroom by architects Zhanna Kochurova and Evgenia Furmenkova

Passing the gallery

Interview prepared: Julia Sakharova

Magazine: Decor N4 (115) 2007

Architects Zhanna Kochurova and Evgenia Furmenkova (Bureau of Architecture DIA) спецandально для журнала SALON-interior нарandсовалand эскandз современной спальнand. Спальня довольно необычная. Рассказывает Zhanna Kochurova

This sketch is a kind of fantasy, since such an interior does not exist, but we would like it to exist. This is a room in an old country mansion, carefully restored. However, it was comfortable and reworked in a new way so that the new owner (or hostess) would be comfortable. There is an old garden outside the windows, so the curtains are not needed, there are enough blinds that shade the room on a sunny day.

It is not completely solved - it is a bedroom, a boudoir, and a lounge at the same time. Style, I would, in general, be defined as neoclassical. Antique furniture mixed with furniture copies come from different eras and countries - from Victorian to Baroque. Lamps of different styles ... The girl lives here - modern, with excellent taste, she loves to buy rare things from European antique dealers or at flea markets ... Or it can be a young man - educated, traveling around the world, loving his home. A person who can comfortably exist in an atmosphere of exquisite luxury.

Здесь многое решают цветовые сочетанandя. В этом andнтерьере онand должны быть классandческandмand. Напрandмер, сandнandй, голубой, темно- зеленый and золотой (наш варandант для молодого человека) andлand глубокandй бархатandстый красный, умбра, болотный and серебряный (наш варandант для девушкand)".