Queen's pendants

Драгоценные люстры Patwymarat

Passing the gallery

A photo: Sergey Morgunov

Leading headings: Marina Volkova

Magazine: (129)

Lamps are not much different from jewels, according to the company Patwymaratwhose booth could be visited on "INTER'ER SHOU"

The name of the Italian city of Padua in Latin sounds like Patavium. Here they make unique things from the field of art. The word art - "art" - also has Latin roots. Patavium plus art is equal ... So almost 50 years ago the brand name was born Patwymarat. Its founders were Adriano Gomiero and Inés Piccolo. They decided to make chandeliers, but not simple, but ... That's right! Golden. And not only. Adriano and Ines immediately took a clear position - their lamps are intended at least for palaces. In order to get used to the image, they moved to the villa Polkastro, built in the 15th century and belonging to one of the most famous Padua aristocratic families. And it turned out! Chandeliers Patwymarat look solemn and hang in palaces. Now the family business continues Simonetta - the daughter of Adriano and Ines. She, in turn, believes that chandeliers should not be just expensive, they should be breathtaking. And he confirms this with all his creations (Simonetta acts as the chief designer of the brand).

In particular, the Jewels of Light collection, which could be seen on "INTER'ER SHOU". Название оправданно - каждая из этих люстр может считаться ювелирным шедевром: в отделке использованы золото, серебро, платина, драгоценные и полудрагоценные камни (такие как аквамарин, горный хрусталь, оникс, агат, янтарь и жемчуг)...