Tsar pea

Polka Dot Fabrics

Passing the gallery

Leading headings: Anna Gorbunova

Magazine: Decor N7 (129) 2008

Peas are again in the center of attention: print and embroidery, small as a dot, and large as an apple, arranged in a pattern and randomly scattered throughout the fabric, rare and frequent, light on a dark background and dark on a light, monophonic and multicolored

Surprisingly, peas are always in fashion. Psychologists say that this picture combines the desire for freedom and orderliness, and people who prefer this picture to others are self-ironic and have a good sense of humor.

Designers disagree. Someone is categorically against mixing peas with a stripe and a cage, someone, on the contrary, strongly recommends just such a combination, therefore freedom of choice is not limited. Now in trend there are multicolor or monochromatic peas with a volume effect, which is achieved both by playing color (with overflows from one tone to another or as if circled by a frame), and different material texture (fuzzy peas on a smooth base). Fabrics with this pattern can be upholstered for upholstered furniture in almost any style, and curtains. By the way, for the latter, a fabric with a coupon pattern lined with peas is suitable. Such pictures will emphasize the volume of any object, be it a sofa or a simple pillow. Small peas, thickly and unevenly scattered over the background, return us to the aggressive fashion of the 70s, but if this is a minimalist sofa, upholstered, for example, with a cloth from MISSONIthen it will easily fit into any solid interior. Such a pattern is good for dumochek, and if you make one of the sides tartan or striped, it will turn out to be supermodern. Popular and very large peas, and designers say that the effect is directly dependent on size: the larger, the stronger. Therefore, if you are an adherent of strong impressions, surprise everyone with wallpaper in large colored peas from MARIMEKKO - the effect will exceed all expectations! At the same time, designers claim that large peas express femininity and will serve as an alternative to floral designs!

If you do not want to be very "taken aback", then just put the SOFAR carpet with black and white peas and stripes on the living room floor, and in the kitchen hang lampshades in large colored peas with naughty dragonflies from ETAMINE ZIMMER + ROHDE.

Fabrics provided by "Artville" salons, Empty Alto, Concept, "Gallery Arben", "Neuhaus Gallery", "DK Textile Design", Kimberly Expertise in Russia, companies W.W.T.S., Deco Concept, Helen Yarmak Fashion House