See you at home

two-story log house

Passing the gallery

Text: Julia Sakharova

A photo: Evgeny Kulibaba, Grigory Yashuhin

Project author: Svetlana Panarina

Magazine: Decor N3 (147) 2010

In the interior of this house you can find features of different styles and even different geography. The overall impression is a modern European home, warm, habitable, thought out to the smallest detail.

Architect Svetlana Panarina рассказывает, что, когда она пришла на этот объект, дом был уже практически построен; ей предстояло заняться интерьером. Это был большой двухэтажный дом классической планировки: на первом этаже - гостиная, кабинет, столовая, кухня; на втором - спальни и ванные комнаты. «Я люблю деревянные дома. Мне кажется, дом из дерева обладает какой-то особенной привлекательностью, - говорит Светлана. - Дерево действительно очень «теплый» материал. Кроме того, бревенчатая кладка может быть стильным фоном для современной мебели». Architect предложила хозяину не зашивать стены гипсокартоном. Теперь, когда работа над интерьером завершена, бревенчатые стены воспринимаются как элемент эстетики стиля шале. «А кроме того, таким образом нам удалось решить еще одну важную эстетическую проблему - взаимосвязи интерьера и экстерьера, и теперь дом смотрится как единое целое», - вспоминает Светлана.

The tree was ennobled with the help of special patination: below, in public premises, the patina of a lighter tone, upstairs, in the bedrooms, a darker, more saturated one. The living room is a spectacular two-light space in which there is a lot of light and air, and this space is emphasized by the fireplace, as if hanging in the air, and a large corner sofa. These are the two most important details of the living room, which is designed as an elegant space, not overloaded with furniture and accessories.

The kitchen - the dining room is more densely decorated, more elaborated in detail and in many respects owes this style to the provenance in which it is made. Here and ceiling beams, painted with ornaments in the form of a vine, and patinated kitchen, made according to the drawings of the architect Svetlana Panarina, and handmade tiles, ordered in France. “The theme of the vine was the main decorative theme of the kitchen,” recalls Svetlana. - This is a painting on the beams, and a chandelier, and ceramic tiles, and even holders for curtains. Such a typical motive for the south of France. Pay attention to the French window leading from the kitchen - dining room to the patio. This is a significant, “speaking” thing that reinforces the theme of the south of France, the Mediterranean, in the interior. ”

I ask why the bedrooms are decorated in the Oriental style: one - in the conditional - Japanese, the other - in the conditional - Persian. In theory, this is contrary to the overall setting to create a European-inspired interior. But Svetlana explains that there is no contradiction here. Classical European styles willingly assimilated ethnics - individual objects, equipment, decorative motifs. (For example, Çippendeyl I used Chinese ornaments in the ornament of my famous armchairs.) And what can we say about the modern European interior, which ethnics simply love! By the way, following this trend, the cabinet was made in the colonial style.

Project author Svetlana Panarina: “When you decorate a log house in Russia, there is a danger that the interior will contain the features of a Russian hut. I wanted to see a modern European interior in this house, and in this we were completely identical with the customer. fully relied on me. The result was a non-banal individual interior in which images of Provence, Asia and the East meet "