Large bedroom in a country house

Text: Julia Sakharova
A photo: Vladimir Karchin
Magazine: Decor N6 (172) 2012
The MODERN BEDROOM is not limited to the utilitarian function of a place to sleep: today it is also a boudoir, and a small living room, and a fireplace. In this bedroom, the bed is located in the center of the room, and on the left side of the room is the fireplace zone. The fireplace is built into the mirror with a massive gilded frame. Before him is a tea table, an armchair, and a wardrobe. In the fireplace area - a private chandelier.
ABOVE THE BED on the ceiling, there is a curtain of airy fabric, resembling a cosme flower. The ceiling is decorated with a metallic finish and highlighted. On the floor - soft carpet of a light shade. On the walls are panels with gold neo-baroque patterns. In terms of stateliness, this bedroom is not inferior to the living room and assumes part of its functions.