All Bluegr HotelsResorts hotels are located in Greece. Among them are resort in Crete and Rhodes and one city in Athens

Magazine: N6 (216) 2016
The group of hotels Bluegr appeared in 1985 and still remains a family enterprise, despite the fact that at the present moment it already includes five hotels in the mainland and island parts of the country. The company is managed by Gina Mamidakis. She prefers to keep everything under personal control, so that hotels are famous for their service, which is a certain rarity for Greece. Unlike island hotels, the Capital Life Gallery is more strict, aesthetic, in the spirit of the city itself. Acquainted with the Greek art, then, in fact, for the sake of going to Athens, you can start without leaving the hotel. The hostess has collected an impressive collection of works by Greek masters, and modern ones. Among them are the avant-garde works of Nikos Kesanlis, Georgias Giparakis, Takis and others.
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