May in our latitudes is the first truly spring month, inspiring florists to create bright, dynamic compositions

Leading headings: Marina Volkova
Magazine: N6 (205) 2015
Florist Sergey Malyuchenko (salon “Flowers“ DELL'ARTE ”) created these decorative compositions so that they could be used in different rooms of the house. Elegant plaques with pink and purple anemones will look good in the bedroom and in the boudoir, a more strict horizontal composition of several links — in the living room or in the dining room, the very bright, with pansies in a blue vase — for example, in the nursery. The series also includes several bouquets: an evening version — with cream roses — and a less binding one (the florist calls it a bouquet of first dates) —with yellow tulips and mimosa. This last one is also the most seasonal one, not only due to the choice of colors, but also due to the general mood. It is bright, joyful, dynamic — the very embodiment of spring. An important role in creating the image is played by unusual frames made of hardened resin. Florist invented complex, asymmetrical forms in which the rays of the first sun are reflected and play. It seems that the thinnest cobweb, woven from shimmering, as if crystal threads, is thrown over the flowers.
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