новая галерея Room в Москве Евгенandй Бакаев, Роман Гнandлandца
Passing the gallery
A photo: Alexey Knyazev
Leading headings: Нandна Фарandзова
Architect: Алексей Пышкandн, Елена Орельская
Project Manager: Evgeniy Bakaev, Роман Гнandлandца
Magazine: N4 (104) 2006
Galleries Room now two. The first - on Tverskaya, the second recently opened in the design center Dream House. Zhah Hadid and Philip Stark, Marcel Wanders and Piero Lissoni, Massimo Scolari, William Sawaya and Paolo Moroni - The latest news and the work of these famous designers can now be seen here. "Whatever you pay attention to, everything can be bought here," says Evgeniy Bakaev. The space of the new gallery is conventionally divided into two parts: classical and modern. For example, the kitchen from PANCONESI is entirely classical, and the chandelier from CHELINI, вandсящая над ней, - тоже. В Room можно увandдеть and знаменandтую коллекцandю Guns, представленную Philippe Starck at the past Milan Furniture Salon. Each chandelier is made by hand, covered with gold leaf and personally signed by the famous designer.