Fashionable pastel shades have bright competitors. And the main one is uncompromisingly red.

Magazine: (213) 2016
Red, once the color of the cardinal gowns, denoting a special position in society, in our alert age was primarily a signal that attracted attention, caught the eye. It is used in the design of items designed for the wow – effect. Such as, for example, the bed Canaletto factory MASCHERONI, the frame of which is lined with leather "facets" of a rich red color. Or an avant-garde carpet from the Loribaft collection (ART DE VIVRE), woven from scarlet wool threads. Things red are good in accent. They excite, entice, arouse interest — so much so that we are arranged — and will be most welcome in the premises of the “opening”, the preludes to the entire interior as a whole: in the hall or in the small living room.
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