On November 9, at a round table set at the Nostalzhi restaurant (Chistoprudny blvd, 12a), members of the Public Council decided the fate of the 2006 Architectural Award nominees. The winner’s name was announced on November 23 at the award ceremony
Igor Shashkov, chief architect of the company "Pestovo": - I chose projects from the point of view of compliance with the idea embodied in the interior, its ultimate realization. Therefore, in the first place was the project of the radio station Next, which uses only one trick - a dynamic wave, at the same time symbolizing the radio wave and bursts of emotion. In second place I put the project Alexandra Tuchkova and Dmitry Sharapova. In their apartment there is an emotional breakthrough, shocking, romanticism and elements of brutal design, black ceilings for example. The monochrome interior of the Bocconcino restaurant also deserves attention. This is a filigree job.
Айдан Салахова, галерandст, художнandк: - I paid attention to the apartment Alexey Rosenberg, unlike, unlike most projects, the furniture show room. Architect Vsevolod Chelnokov He proposed a harmonious solution to a residential building in the Moscow region. And from the point of view of the gallery owner, it seems to me that architects do not take into account that, over time, owners can turn to collecting works of art. The place for pictures was found only at the sewing factory "Moscow".
Igor Bukharov, restaurateur: - Как ресторатор, я смотрю на представленные проекты, мысленно расставляю стулья and рассажandваю посетandтелей. Во мне срабатывает внутреннandй камертон, который говорandт, комфортно там будет людям andлand нет. С этой точкand зренandя мне понравandлась квартandра петербургского архandтектора Sergey Erofeev, а также рестораны I Fiori Leonida Zaitseva and "Liga Pap" Yevgeny Katsnelson.
Svetlana Khorkina, Olympic gymnastics champion: - Red is my favorite color. Perhaps that's why I preferred the "French" apartment for the project Sergey Erofeev. It has a luxurious bed with a red canopy, and the ceilings are decorated with exquisite paintings. This is just a masterpiece.
Pavel Kaplevich, graphic designer: - I made the choice of a citizen by voting for the project of a Moscow garment factory. It compares favorably with others by some originality that I would like to meet more often in the surrounding life. The factory is pleasing to the eye. It is a pity that we do not see all this. It seems to me that the people who work here should be grateful to the architects who have coped with such a huge space - 8,200 square meters. meters
Oksana Yarmolnik, artist, fashion designer, designer: - Средand множества культмассовых проектов особенно выделяются квартandра Alexey Rosenberg and sewing factory "Moscow". The first is not like anything. This is the apartment of a wise, experienced person who has lived a beautiful life. It uses rich textures, noble wood, muted tones. So Aksenov could live in emigration. In the second project, impeccable in terms of time and style, there are many ingenious solutions that are not typical for public buildings: “Bathing a red horse” hangs in the dining room, and in the lobby there is a clock showing the time of Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk and Khabarovsk.