Piece of art

To try: replicas of furniture masterpieces

Passing the gallery

A photo: Sergey Morgunov, Elena Savina

Text: Marina Volkova

Magazine: N4 (159) 2011

In the new collection of the factory To try - skillful replicas of furniture masterpieces of the XVII and XVIII centuries

Thomas Chippendale, an English furniture maker of the 18th century, was one of the first eclecticists: he could combine elements of gothic and chinoiserie (the European interpretation of Chinese motifs). New factory PROVASI - showcase in style çippendeylAn exact replica of the work of the famous master. The showcase with spectacular tops, covered with 24-carat gold, decorated with inlay of rosewood and lemon tree. The decor of the central part in the form of honeycombs reminds of Ancient China - according to tradition, the windows of Chinese dwellings were decorated. In the new collection PROVASI есть еще один предмет в стиле çippendeyl - низкий журнальный столик из красного дерева, столешница которого инкрустирована перламутром. Дополнят обстановку гостиной диваны Maуfair в актуальной сливочной гамме. Обивка этих диванов сделана из кашемира, спинки украшены модной простежкой - капитоне.

Another collection rarity from PROVASI - An exact replica of a 17th century French chest of drawers. This is an excellent example of the use of intarsia: a chest of drawers encrusted with a lemon tree, maple and myrtle root. Chest - on six boxes. To put on them marquetry requires a special skill.