Return of the Legend

Text: Olga Vologdina
A photo: Evgeny Khramov, Prprosto Agency
Head of architectural and restoration work: Karen Nagapetyan
Magazine: №3 (224) 2017
15 years later, the Aragvi restaurant (6, Tverskaya st., P. 2) opened its doors - a legend of the Soviet catering (the most prestigious restaurant in the USSR), closed for renovation in 2001.
The updated interior of the restaurant. One of the halls
The updated interior of the restaurant. One of the halls
The original space was a legacy of three centuries - during the construction work under the facing stone, the vaults of the 17th century boyar chambers were discovered. The magnificent palace of the times of Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov was hidden in the depths of the not less famous house of the era of the Stalin Empire style.
«Ресторан является памятником культурного наследия, — рассказывает Karen Nagapetyan. — Конечно, это обстоятельство повлияло и на ход работ, и на сам интерьер. В декабре 2016 года «Арагви» получил премию в номинации «Лучшая реставрация года». Следы ушедших эпох можно обнаружить в каждом из залов».
“Our famous mirror is one of the few objects of the native, authentic interior that have survived since the opening of the institution in 1938. Fragments of the paintings of the boyar chambers and much more were restored.
Especially for the new Aragvi, a cast-iron staircase was designed, which, we are sure, in time will also become a monument of architecture. ”