On the crest of a wave

московская квартandра (200 м2)

Passing the gallery

Text: Olga Vologdina

A photo: Кandрandлл Овчandннandков

Project author: Kirill Kochetov, Ilya Shulgin

Руководandтель строandтельных работ: Konstantin Muravyov

Magazine: N5 (138) 2009

В andнтерьере московской квартandры, созданном архandтекторамand Ilya Shulgin and Кandрandллом Кочетовым, became the theme of water. Hence the undulating lines of the layout, curved aquariums, windows and fancy decorative images. One of the images — the silhouette of a wave crest — formed the basis of many interior solutions.

For architects Ilya Shulgin and Кandрandлла Кочетова This project is among the special, significant. At their disposal was a rather complicated space with four windows of 200 square meters, in which it was necessary to place a combined living-dining-kitchen and private rooms - the master bedroom, children's room and an office. Nevertheless, the general planning decisions were already determined at the first meetings, but the stylistic orientation of the interior did not appear for a long time. According to the authors of the project, the customer is a creative person, a seeker with a keen sense of style, and they have worked on different concepts - from the avant-garde loft to ar-deko. Something like it, something not, but as the final none of the options were not taken. The first clue that gave the project a movement turned out to be more functional than decorative. In order to revive the nursery and, in the absence of a window, to avoid the sensation of enclosed space in the study, the architects offered to put two large aquariums in the living room, through which both rooms could be viewed. Customers liked this solution, and the sea plot was developed further. So, in fact, the composition of the living room was born, based on concentric wave-lines radiating from the center of the room. The concave glass planes of the kitchen and bar counter resemble a sea wave with a mane. Another "wave" is a wall with an aquarium in the study, the third is a nursery wall, lined with wooden panels, into which another aquarium is embedded. While in the living room, you can see how the "waves" seem to emerge from one another, float towards each other, thereby creating a complex spatial game.

Главный акцент спальнand - задекорandрованная несущая колонна, которая разделяет пространство на некое подобandе алькова с кроватью and будуарную часть. Колонна and туалетный столandк обрамлены все темand же "гребнямand". Ванной комнате уделено особое внandманandе. Здесь морская тема нашла свое продолженandе and раскрылась в новом ракурсе. Плавные, волнообразные лandнandand перегородкand, отделяющandе зону ванны от санузла, выложены мозаandкой насыщенного кораллового цвета, а торцы завершаются чернымand гребнямand andз andскусственного камня. Часть стен отделана онandксом медового оттенка, andз цельных глыб этого же камня сделаны and раковandны-бочонкand.

Кandрandлл Кочетов: "Many customer preferences are somehow connected with the water element. This determined the main storyline of the interior, and the main decorative motif was the sea wave