Office apartment

Office of the transport company LISS in Riga

Passing the gallery

A photo: Peter Lebedev

Leading headings: Nina Farizova

Project author: Sergey Serpukhov, Дмитрий Юхневич, Андрей Римкевич

Painter: Vadim Meykshans

Magazine: N11 (111) 2006

The office of the transport company LISS is located in a standard panel house. "From a simple three-room apartment, - says the architect Sergey Serpukhov- we had to make a multifunctional modern office. We dismantled the carrier wall, which divided the corridor and the former kitchen from the living room, turned out to be a spacious room for employees. But this is not limited. We also designed the director’s office, a meeting room, an office kitchen and a rest room. ”The office has an excellent acoustic system that is built into the ceiling, transport routes are projected onto a large plasma panel. plaster map of the world. The architects themselves define the style of the new office as a constructive and functional minimalism.

Address: Riga, st. Zeltinyu, 8-25