two-storey house

A photo: Mikhail Stepanov
Text: Julia Sakharova
Project author: Tatyana Scherbakova
Magazine: Decor N8 (163) 2011
The house is two-storey, on the first floor there are traditionally ceremonial rooms, on the second - private ones. The rooms on the first floor are arranged in accordance with the principle of circular layout; spaces of living room, dining room and kitchen, separated by wide openings, flow into one another. Due to the fact that the layout is open (a technique invented by Frank Lloyd Wright in the 50s of the twentieth century), the classic interior with columns, plaster moldings, swans and heads looks like caryatids very modern. “This effect is enhanced by modern painting - bright, juicy,” says the author of the project designer
During Napoleon's Egyptian campaigns, lion heads and caryatids appeared in characteristic Egyptian headdresses, similar to those that adorn the armrests of the sofa in the large living room. In the group with a sofa, there is a mahogany table with a stand in the shape of swans. Such groups were taken to arrange the furniture in Russian estates. According to the furniture in the style of Russian
There are many interesting things here. There is also the “unstoppable breguet”, like that of Eugene Onegin, with the only exception that Onegin had a pocket watch by the famous Breguet brand, and there were mantel clocks in this house. There is a unique pair of girandoli Russian work (table lamps) made of ruby glass and crystal - a rarity. (This is understandable: a fragile thing.) Many items from a typesetting tree are works of Russian masters. All things in this house are functioning, and do not serve as "museum rarities." Moreover, they are treated here creatively. For example, the under-stand of a washstand in one of the bathrooms was altered from an old mahogany vanity. There are modern furniture in this house: on the first floor there is a kitchen, on the second - beds in the master bedroom and in the nursery. The style is a modern interpretation of the classics, making this interior acquires a special charm.
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