шоу-рум обуви и аксессуаров Liveshowroom (Москва) Jeffrey Sweetbaum

Leading headings: Nina Farizova
A photo: Aleksey Naroditsky
Project author: Jeffrey Sweetbaum
Magazine: (102)
First of all, the authors of the new showroom of exclusive shoes and accessories Liveshowroom attracted large windows and views of the Danilovsky Monastery. "The former factory is not the most reliable construction, so I had to do everything anew," says Jeffrey Sweetbaum. Initially, everything was gray: gray walls, gray floor ... Then everything was made white with bright stripes. Shoes and accessories arranged on wooden boxes painted with silver paint. It turned out a mobile space designer with a minimum of scenery. At any time it can be divided in different ways, partially dismantled or simply disassembled. The beauty of Liveshowroom is in its simplicity, geometrically smooth lines and “happy” colors.